
  • Meta — Stuff about veekun. Praise, complaints, praise, praise, more praise, and so on.
  • wrong Base EXP shown ¿?

The base exp shown in the pokedex/gadgets is different to other values that give me the correct exp gained in-game, example: rattata lv2: veekun shows 51 base exp, while others sites show 57. using base_explvtame/7 [5721 / 7] gives me the correct exp gained in-game: 16

so, is the value wrong or I'm missing something O_o?

I'm using Opera 12.14 [build 1738]


What gen? Our base exp values are from B/W 2 and we don't have the old calculator anymore.


Oh, wait, that's the old formula. That would explain it.


What gen?: FireRed that's the old formula: so what's the new formula O_o