Holds coins for the Game Corner.
- Cost
- Can't be bought or sold
- Flags
Contains the Coins used by the Game Corner, to a maximum of 50,000.
Flavor text
A case that holds up to 9,999 COINS.
A case for holding COINS obtained at the GAME CORNER. It holds up to 9,999 COINS.
A case for holding Coins obtained at the Game Corner. It holds up to 50,000 Coins.
A case for holding coins obtained at the Game Corner. It holds up to 50,000 coins.
A case for holding coins obtained at the Game Corner. It holds up to 50,000 coins.
A case for holding coins obtained at the Game Corner. It can hold up to 50,000 coins.
A case for holding coins obtained at the Game Corner. It can hold up to 50,000 coins.
Foreign names
- Japanese
- コインケース (koinkeesu)
- コインケース
- Korean
- 동전케이스
- Chinese
- 代幣盒
- 代币盒
- French
- Boîte Jetons
- German
- Münzkorb
- Spanish
- Monedero
- Italian
- Salvadanaio