Use to listen to GameBoy era audio.
- Cost
- Can't be bought or sold
- Flags
- Used by trainer outside of battle
- Changes the background music to the equivalent 8-bit music.
Flavor text
A music player that allows you to listen to nostalgic songs. It’s operated with a single switch.
A music player that allows you to listen to nostalgic songs. It’s operated with a single switch.
A music player that allows you to listen to nostalgic songs. It’s operated with the flip of a single switch.
A music player that allows you to listen to nostalgic songs. It’s operated with the flip of a single switch.
Foreign names
- Japanese
- GBプレイヤー (GBpureiyaa)
- GBプレイヤー
- Korean
- GB플레이어
- Chinese
- GB播放器
- GB播放器
- French
- Lecteur GB
- German
- GB-Player
- Spanish
- Lector GB
- Italian
- Lettore GB