Faster than the Acro Bike, and can ride up sandy slopes and across cracked floors.
- Cost
- Can't be bought or sold
- Flags
Increases movement speed outside or in caves. Faster than the Acro Bike. Allows the trainer to ascend muddy slopes.
Flavor text
A folding bicycle that more than doubles foot speed.
A folding bicycle that doubles your speed or better.
A folding bicycle that is at least twice as fast as walking.
This folding Bike more than doubles your movement speed.
Foreign names
- Japanese
- マッハじてんしゃ (mahhajitensha)
- マッハじてんしゃ
- Korean
- 마하자전거
- Chinese
- 音速自行車
- 音速自行车
- French
- Vélo de Course
- German
- Eilrad
- Spanish
- Bici de Carreras
- Italian
- Bici da corsa