Use to track down rare or shiny Pokémon. 50 steps to recharge.
- Cost
- Can't be bought or sold
- Flags
Designates several nearby patches of grass as containing Pokémon, some of which may be special radar-only Pokémon. Successive uses in a certain way create chains of encounters with the same species; longer chains increase the chance that a shiny Pokémon of that species will appear.
Flavor text
A tool that can search out Pokémon that are hiding in grass. Its battery is recharged as you walk.
A tool that can search out Pokémon that are hiding in grass. Its battery is recharged as you walk.
A tool that can search out Pokémon that are hiding in the tall grass. Its battery is recharged as you walk.
A tool that can search out Pokémon that are hiding in the tall grass. Its battery is recharged as you walk.
Foreign names
- Japanese
- ポケトレ (poketore)
- ポケトレ
- Korean
- 포켓트레
- Chinese
- 寶可追蹤
- 宝可追踪
- French
- Poké Radar
- German
- Pokéradar
- Spanish
- Pokéradar
- Italian
- Poké Radar