Allows rebattling of on-screen trainers. 100 steps to recharge.
- Cost
- Can't be bought or sold
- Flags
Reveals trainers who want a rematch, by showing !! over their heads. Each use drains the battery; requires 100 steps to charge.
Flavor text
A rechargeable unit that flags battle-ready TRAINERS.
A device that indicates TRAINERS who want to battle. The battery charges while traveling.
A device that indicates Trainers who want to battle. Its battery charges while you walk.
A device that indicates Trainers who want to battle. Its battery charges while you walk.
A device that indicates Trainers who want to battle. Its battery charges while you walk.
A device that indicates Trainers who want to battle. Its battery charges while you walk.
Foreign names
- Japanese
- バトルサーチャー (batorusaachaa)
- バトルサーチャー
- Korean
- 배틀서처
- Chinese
- 對戰搜尋器
- 对战搜寻器
- French
- Cherche VS
- German
- Kampffahnder
- Spanish
- Buscapelea
- Italian
- Cercasfide