Given to the trainer's rival in Jubilife City. Contains Town Maps.
- Cost
- Can't be bought or sold
- Flags
Given to the trainer's rival in Jubilife City. Contains two Town Maps, one of which is given to the trainer upon delivery.
Flavor text
A parcel entrusted in your care. You are supposed to deliver it to your childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town.
A parcel entrusted in your care. You are supposed to deliver it to your childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town.
A parcel entrusted into your care. You are supposed to deliver it to your childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town.
A parcel entrusted into your care. You’re supposed to deliver it to your childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town.
Foreign names
- Japanese
- おとどけもの (otodokemono)
- おとどけもの
- Korean
- 전해줄물건
- Chinese
- 包裹
- 包裹
- French
- Colis
- German
- Paket
- Spanish
- Paquete
- Italian
- Pacco