Lexical scope — Miscellaneous nerdosity. Programming and... uh...
Veekun's evolutions
I have no idea how I would get the evolutions of a Pokemon, it feels as though this is impossible This is my current query: Name = "Charmander" Data returned:
identifier - charmander, charmeleon, charizard Evolves at level 36, 16, 36
What was the question?
For the record: this was solved on IRC. Or discussed, at least
Has anyone got evolutions to work? The pokemon_evolution table only has evolved_species_id but has no current_species_id! Making it impossible to check anything :[
Use evolves_from_species_id property of pokemon_species. For example, to get evolutions of Eevee, do the following.
SELECT evo.identifier AS evo FROM pokemon_species AS prevo JOIN pokemon_species AS evo ON = evo.evolves_from_species_id WHERE prevo.identifier = 'eevee'; evo
vaporeon jolteon flareon espeon umbreon leafeon glaceon sylveon (8 wierszy)
Aah I was looking in the wrong table. Thanks! :]