QI — Tell us about something interesting!
Frustrated Creativity
Does anyone know of a website or something where you can submit new Pokemon for review? I've got ideas for about ten new evolutions, five prevolutions, a new stat idea and a full lineup for a future gen's Fire-type starter, but I don't know where to send these ideas!
You could post them here. or if you've illustrations on Deviant Art as a Fakemon.
Clarifying: are you saying I can post pictures on here, or just descriptions here and then post pictures on Deviant Art?
I don't have an account for DA, but I could make one (once I actually have some illustrations to post). Right off the cuff, here's two ideas I had for evos:
SANTURKEY: the result of a Delibird levelling up in Winter with an Advent Cloak. It's still an Ice/Flying, still red and in the Wings category, but much more powerful and with better abilities. High time that birdie got an upgrade!
LUVBOAT: the result of a Luvdisc levelling up in Summer with an as-of-yet unknown item. Still a pink Fish, but it's Water/Psychic (STAB on Heart Stamp) and has an ability that protects opposite-gender partners from enemy damage. Stronger, but sacrifices a lot of Speed for Defense and Special Defense.
Speaking of the different stats, the new stat I had in mind is Special Speed. It determines how quickly a Special attack is launched, thereby focusing regular Speed on Physical attacks. Status attacks are determined by both Speeds.
Deviant Art has a community that you can find by searching for fakemon, filled with lots of people making their own pokemon, is what I mean. Deviant Art is not the most accommodating site, neither in courtesy to the users nor rights to your work.
And I just like thinking about game structures, Pokemon or no. Since we were both already here why not talk about it here?
What kind of ability would Santurkey get? Free uses of Present!
Luvboat's ability is a cool way to factor gender into calculations. A chivalrous bulky water?
I can justify separate 'mental speed' from 'reflex speed' in a game. That's a good idea. It's cleaner than the psionic battles in AD&D that fought at the speed of thought. That system barely held together, and cracked at the seams.
Let's see...Santa Claus is already up all night, so he'd still get a sleep prevention ability (he'd just get only one). The other one likely would get replaced by Infiltrator. I haven't decided if he'd keep Hustle or not. Oh, and there'd be a gender diff: male Santurkey gets a red head and a white beard, while female Santurkey gets curly white hair/feathers on top and no beard.
Exactly! =D Whether or not Luvboat has a gender split is as/of/yet undetermined. It looks like a boat, of course; a large enough boat for two humans to ride in, although they'd be sitting very close together. ^_^ It's not a speedboat at all, instead being built for a very stable cruise (what's the fun of a romantic evening on the lake if one or both parties are seasick?).
Here's another mechanics addition: parrying. If you predict right and use the exact same mode of attack as your faster opponent (e.g., physical to physical), your move activates at the same time as the faster guy, but uses Defense to calculate power instead of Attack. This boosts your Defense by giving you a shield and has a chance of cancelling the attack altogether! They do that in the show - I think I've seen Grovyle swordfighting with other slashers (thrust and parry), and I know there was one episode where Pikachu used Iron Tail to stop an incoming move.
Here's another evo: CASTELLA. It's the evolved form of Corsola. I don't know what difference it would have besides being bigger and stronger, but it wouldn't be very fast physically; I mean, how fast can you move when you're a living castle? Oh, and it would be big enough that small (less than 0.5 m) Water Pokemon can make their homes in its spikes. Kind of like how Torterra can be the habitat of a sufficiently small Pokemon.
PANDIZZY: the evolved form of Spinda. It's a huge black and white panda bear with the characteristic Spinda eyes and long floppy limbs. Those limbs are strong enough to support its weight, but only just barely, so it teeters around like its prevo. Don't get on its bad side, though, because it can aim where it falls! =D It's Normal/Psychic and in the "gray" category; don't know what shape category it's in - all three of the ones I'm thinking of are slightly overpopulated.
By the way, if anyone else has a DeviantArt account and some skill with an artist's tool, maybe somebody could draw what I'm talking about and post it on DA! I wouldn't mind; I REALLY don't have the time to draw my own ideas.
I want a Sand Castella.
What? Sorry, I don't understand. Sand Castella?
LEDIVA: the evolved form of Ledian (day evo only). I don't know what type combo it is, but I can tell you what it's not: Bug/Flying. Probably it combines EITHER Bug or Flying with one of the three types that resists Rock (Fighting, Ground, or Steel). Might be Female-only.
My sister's working on the evolve-by-night form of Ariados, but I don't know what she's calling it. I think it's still Bug/Poison, and since she's calling it a "Black Widow" it might also be Female-only.
Oh yeah, and Delcatty gets alternate forms with new abilities. I had to power it up somehow, and there aren't any evolutions for the Pokemon with special stones in prevo (Happiny to Chansey doesn't count). All I've got finished for that are Fire Delcatty (Flame Body), Electric Delcatty (Static), and Poison Delcatty (Poison Point). There might even be a Grass Delcatty with Effect Spore. I don't know what all these forms would trade Normalize for; Cute Charm had a bunch of other abilities that work in similar ways, so that was easy. If they crank out an ability that runs a chance of freezing Pokemon that contact-attack, then I'll add an Ice Delcatty to that runway.
(sand castle... never mind)
Ledian always looked like a power ranger to me, or maybe Gatchaman. What sort of inspiration do you have for its appearance?
Spiders are cool. There could be a lot more spiders: hunting spider, trapdoor spider, orb weaver spider. Well, I guess since they run around on the ground they are already hunting spiders. I suppose they are also orb weavers since you can knock them off trees?
Your Delcatty formeeees steal Eevee's thunder.
You like to power up Pokemon families that already exist.
Oh, just a joke; got it. ^_^
What I had in mind for Lediva was kind of "supermodel for the runway." Super-streamlined figure, red or black dress (maybe with spots), big bright wings that double as a gorgeous cape, enough hand jewelry to make a punch hurt even more.
Yeah, I guess the Delcatty Styles kind of do that; major advantage they have is that you're not stuck with one style. The Eeveelutions are still more powerful, though, so Eevee maintains the lead.
I'm not a one-trick artist over here, give me some credit! =D Here's one of the PREvos I had in mind: a currently-nameless Baby Bug for Scyther and Scizor. I mentioned both very deliberately; that had never made the slightest bit of sense to me how Scyther evolves into something that has exactly the same Base Stat Total, and a friend and I agree that Scyther is cool enough without needing to become the Big Red, so Scyther and Scizor are now interchangeable via Trade. Scyther can still become Scizor by trading with Metal Coat, but now Scizor can become Scyther by trading with Sharp Beak (or something else that boosts Flying moves by the same percent) and the Baby Bug can evolve into either of them (not sure how it would pick). I know it's a little confusing, but I hate thinking of Scyther as a prevolution to something equal in power, and I don't want to power Scizor up to sensify that evolution.
Here's three other bugs that I devised prevos for: Pinsir, Shuckle, and Heracross. Pinsir's and Heracross's Baby stages both look like scarabs, one with chewing jaws and the other with a horn; Shuckle's Baby doesn't have a shell and is very fast.
I like the idea of a baby shuckle eventually building a house and settling down. :o
Aerodactyl wouldn't get a Baby form since it's revived from a fossil, right? I came up with a baby stage for it anyway (little winged raptor). I also have a baby Lapras - a little raft with fins and a HUGE sailboat tail. No idea what its name would be...any thoughts?
And finally, the completely unique stripe of Pokemon: the Kimono family. None of the stages have names yet, but all three are Fire and nothing else.
1st STAGE: a chunky chibi kid in a bright red kimono (both guys and girls wear kimonos, right? At least in manga?) with short sleeves and a short skirt. It has a white face and black "hair" that is pulled up into a short ponytailesque crest (gender dif: girls have a pink flower on their ponytail and wear faint makeup). 2nd STAGE: it's taller and sleeker, and the red kimono's skirt and sleeves are longer. The face doesn't change besides not being quite as childish, and the hair changes very little (gender dif: girls have two pink flowers on their ponytail and wear slightly more obvious makeup than their prevo). FINAL STAGE: this is the part where you really know it's about the kimono, because the shape has changed from Upright to Arms. The legs have only barely kept up with the skirt (meaning it still has legs under there, unable to be used in battle because of all the wrapped fabric) and the arms technically haven't kept up with the sleeves at all. You can no longer see the hands it had in prevos; instead it has large and elaborate fans that serve as two-fingered hands with large palms. The white face has reached full maturity, and the ponytail has gotten much longer (gender dif: girls have night-out makeup and wrap their ponytail around its base in a fancier hairstyle involving ornate chopsticks and three flowers). Somewhere along the line all three learn Fiery Dance.
I want pictures of that. I think the males should have Noh stage makeup, there's some masculine faces there, and the pale Asian girl makeup is also used so it would match thematically.
There is no speedy special attack based fire starter yet.
The biggest problem is that I have trouble sitting down and drawing everything. My sister likes to draw Pokemon, though, so maybe I can talk her into drawing the Kimono family.
Huh? Are you sure? Charizard and Typhlosion both have pretty high speed and SpA (they have identical stats, actually, which frustrates me enough to rewrite both their stats when I give them SpS), and Infernape has a lot of both speed and SpA. On that subject, though, the Kimono final stage actually has terrible Speed (how fast can one run when wrapped in a long and heavy bathrobe?), but can have some pretty impressive SpS.
Thinking of rewriting stats, one thing I had in mind for the starters in specific is making them all super-awesome with their respective powerup-at-low-health abilities. This requires:
Enough Defense and SpD that they can survive for a while once down that low (I'm thinking no less than the average of total stats, e.g. 89 for both of Charizard's defenses),
Enough of either attack and its respective speed that they can annihilate the opposition with the powerup.
Oh yeah, and you know how there are two abilities that do exactly the same thing? That's happened twice - Battle Armor and Shell Armor, and Insomnia and Vital Spirit. I'm thinking of differentiating them, but so far I've only decided how to separate the two Armor abilities:
Shell Armor: the opponent's Physical moves cannot critical-hit.
Battle Armor: the opponent's Special moves cannot critical-hit.
That makes both abilities slightly worse, so I'm trying to think of something else to add to that.
Okay, I've thought of it: I know how Battle Armor and Shell Armor can be improved. For both of those respective abilities, the critical-hit ratio is still calculated; however, instead of critical-hitting, the respective move is Disabled. That means that a Pokemon with Shell Armor could shut down Absol REALLY fast.