18 results
Name | Type | Class | PP | Power | Acc | Pri | Effect |
Boomburst | 10 | 140 | 100% | Inflicts regular damage. |
Brutal Swing | 20 | 60 | 100% | Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect. |
Bulldoze | 20 | 60 | 100% | Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage. |
Discharge | 15 | 80 | 100% | Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. |
Earthquake | 10 | 100 | 100% | Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dig users. |
Explosion | 5 | 250 | 100% | User faints. |
Lava Plume | 15 | 80 | 100% | Has a 30% chance to burn the target. |
Magnitude | 30 | * | 100% | Power varies randomly from 10 to 150. |
Mind Blown | 5 | 150 | 100% | XXX new effect for mind-blown |
Parabolic Charge | 20 | 65 | 100% | Heals the user for half the total damage dealt to all targets. |
Petal Blizzard | 15 | 90 | 100% | Inflicts regular damage. |
Searing Shot | 5 | 100 | 100% | Has a 30% chance to burn the target. |
Self-Destruct | 5 | 200 | 100% | User faints. |
Sludge Wave | 10 | 95 | 100% | Has a 10% chance to poison the target. |
Sparkling Aria | 10 | 90 | 100% | Cures the target of burns. |
Surf | 15 | 90 | 100% | Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users. |
Synchronoise | 10 | 120 | 100% | Hits any Pokémon that shares a type with the user. |
Teeter Dance | 20 | — | 100% | Confuses the target. |