

Sea Drifter Pokémon





Cures any major status ailment after each turn during rain.

Damage Taken

  • Bug 1
  • Dark 1
  • Dragon 1
  • Electric 2
  • Fairy 1
  • Fighting 1
  • Fire ½
  • Flying 1
  • Ghost 1
  • Grass 2
  • Ground 1
  • Ice ½
  • Normal 1
  • Poison 1
  • Psychic 1
  • Rock 1
  • Steel ½
  • Water ½

Pokédex Numbers

Introduced in
Generation 4


フィオネ (fione)
Official roomaji


genderless Search:
Egg groups
  • Water 1
  • Fairy
Hatch counter
40 Search:
Steps to hatch
10455 / 5355



Base EXP
216 Search:
Effort points
  • 1 HP
Capture rate
30 Search:
Base happiness
70 Search:
Growth rate
slow Search:

Wild held items

Generation 4 nothing
Generation 5 nothing
Generation 6 nothing
Generation 7 nothing


Baby Basic Stage 1 Stage 2


Pctile Min IVs Max IVs
74.1 333 364
54.5 228 259
63.6 228 259
Special Attack
62.6 228 259
Special Defense
64.0 228 259
63.4 228 259

HeartGold, SoulSilver Pokéathlon Performance

★ Minimum; ✯ Base; ☆ Maximum



Flavor Text

Generation 5
Black, White, Black 2, White 2

It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted.

Generation 6

When the water warms, they inflate the flotation sac on their heads and drift languidly on the sea in packs.


It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted.

Omega Ruby

When the water warms, they inflate the flotation sac on their heads and drift languidly on the sea in packs.

Alpha Sapphire

It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted.


Phione Phione


Sea Drifter Pokémon Search:
Blue Search:
Brachial Search:


Trainer dude


0.4 m


Trainer dudette


6.8 lb
3.1 kg


Pal Park



Water moves get STAB, and have their type highlighted in green.

Diamond, Pearl
HeartGold, SoulSilver Generation 5 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Generation 7 Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Bubble Water special 30 40 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

Water Sport Water status 15

Halves all Fire-type damage.

9 9 9 9 9 9 Charm Fairy status 20 100%

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

16 16 16 16 16 16 Supersonic Normal status 20 55%

Confuses the target.

24 24 24 24 24 24 Bubble Beam Water special 20 65 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

31 31 31 31 31 31 Acid Armor Poison status 20

Raises the user's Defense by two stages.

39 39 39 39 39 39 Whirlpool Water special 15 35 85%

Prevents the target from leaving battle and inflicts 1/16 its max HP in damage for 2-5 turns.

46 46 46 46 46 46 Water Pulse Water special 20 60 100%

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

54 54 54 54 54 54 Aqua Ring Water status 20

Restores 1/16 of the user's max HP each turn.

61 61 61 61 61 61 Dive Water physical 10 80 100%

User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

69 69 69 69 69 69 Rain Dance Water status 5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.

Diamond, Pearl
HeartGold, SoulSilver Generation 5 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Generation 7 Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.
Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Ancient Power Rock special 5 60 100%

Has a 10% chance to raise all of the user's stats by one stage.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Bounce Flying physical 5 85 85%

User bounces high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Covet Normal physical 25 60 100%

Takes the target's item.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Dive Water physical 10 80 100%

User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Heal Bell Normal status 5

Cures the entire party of major status effects.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Helping Hand Normal status 20 5

Ally's next move inflicts half more damage.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Icy Wind Ice special 15 55 95%

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Knock Off Dark physical 20 65 100%

Target drops its held item.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Last Resort Normal physical 5 140 100%

Can only be used after all of the user's other moves have been used.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Mud-Slap Ground special 10 20 100%

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Signal Beam Bug special 15 75 100%

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Sleep Talk Normal status 10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Snore Normal special 15 50 100%

Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Swift Normal special 20 60

Never misses.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Uproar Normal special 10 90 100%

Forced to use this move for several turns. Pokémon cannot fall asleep in that time.

Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Water Pulse Water special 20 60 100%

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Diamond, Pearl
HeartGold, SoulSilver Generation 5 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Generation 7 Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03 03 Water Pulse Water special 20 60 100%

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

06 06 06 06 06 06 Toxic Poison status 10 90%

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

07 07 07 07 07 07 Hail Ice status 10

Changes the weather to a hailstorm for five turns.

10 10 10 10 10 10 Hidden Power Normal special 15 60 100%

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

13 13 13 13 13 13 Ice Beam Ice special 10 90 100%

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

14 14 14 14 14 14 Blizzard Ice special 5 110 70%

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

17 17 17 17 17 17 Protect Normal status 10 4

Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18 18 18 18 18 18 Rain Dance Water status 5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.

20 20 20 20 20 20 Safeguard Normal status 25

Protects the user's field from major status ailments and confusion for five turns.

21 21 21 21 21 21 Frustration Normal physical 20 * 100%

Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

27 27 27 27 27 27 Return Normal physical 20 * 100%

Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.

32 32 32 32 32 32 Double Team Normal status 15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

42 42 42 42 42 42 Facade Normal physical 20 70 100%

Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43 43 Secret Power Normal physical 20 70 100%

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.

44 44 44 44 44 44 Rest Psychic status 10

User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.

55 55 Brine Water special 10 65 100%

Has double power against Pokémon that have less than half their max HP remaining.

48 48 48 48 Round Normal special 15 60 100%

Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

55 55 55 55 Scald Water special 15 80 100%

Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

56 56 56 56 56 56 Fling Dark physical 10 * 100%

Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

58 58 Endure Normal status 10 4

Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

77 77 77 77 77 77 Psych Up Normal status 10

Discards the user's stat changes and copies the target's.

82 82 Sleep Talk Normal status 10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83 83 Natural Gift Normal physical 15 * 100%

Power and type depend on the held berry.

86 86 86 86 86 86 Grass Knot Grass special 20 * 100%

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.

87 87 87 87 87 87 Swagger Normal status 15 85%

Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88 88 88 Sleep Talk Normal status 10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

89 89 89 89 89 89 U-turn Bug physical 20 70 100%

User must switch out after attacking.

90 90 90 90 90 90 Substitute Normal status 10

Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

H3 H3 H3 94 Surf Water special 15 90 100%

Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.

H5 Whirlpool Water special 15 35 85%

Prevents the target from leaving battle and inflicts 1/16 its max HP in damage for 2-5 turns.

H7 H7 H5 98 Waterfall Water physical 15 80 100%

Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

94 Secret Power Normal physical 20 70 100%

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.

99 99 99 Dazzling Gleam Fairy special 10 80 100%

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

100 100 100 Confide Normal status 20

Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.

H3 H3 Surf Water special 15 90 100%

Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.

H5 H5 Waterfall Water physical 15 80 100%

Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

H6 H7 Dive Water physical 10 80 100%

User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

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