
Psycho Cut

Psychic physical

Generation 4


Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Damage Dealt

  • Bug 1
  • Dark 0
  • Dragon 1
  • Electric 1
  • Fairy 1
  • Fighting 2
  • Fire 1
  • Flying 1
  • Ghost 1
  • Grass 1
  • Ground 1
  • Ice 1
  • Normal 1
  • Poison 2
  • Psychic ½
  • Rock 1
  • Steel ½
  • Water 1


70; percentile 42.5
20, up to 32 with PP Up PP Up
Selected Pokémon
Effect chance
0 (normal)


Generation 4
Not a TM
Generation 5
Not a TM
Generation 6
Not a TM
Generation 7
Not a TM


Inflicts regular damage. User's critical hit rate is one level higher when using this move.


This reflects how the games treat moves and may be somewhat idealistic.


Flavor Text

Generation 4
Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver

The user tears at the foe with blades formed by psychic power. It has a high critical-hit ratio.

Generation 5
Black, White, Black 2, White 2

The user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.

Generation 6
X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire

The user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.

Generation 7
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon

The user tears at the target with blades formed by psychic power. Critical hits land more easily.

Foreign Names

サイコカッター (saikokattaa)
Coupe Psycho


Generation 4 Super Contest

Flavor text
Earn +2 if the Pokémon performs first in the turn.
Use after
Use before

Similar moves

These moves all have the same effect as Psycho Cut.

Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Karate Chop Fighting physical 25 50 100%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Razor Leaf Grass physical 25 55 95%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Crabhammer Water physical 10 100 90%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Slash Normal physical 20 70 100%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Aeroblast Flying special 5 100 95%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Cross Chop Fighting physical 5 100 80%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Air Cutter Flying special 25 60 95%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Leaf Blade Grass physical 15 90 100%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Night Slash Dark physical 15 70 100%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Shadow Claw Ghost physical 15 70 100%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Stone Edge Rock physical 5 100 80%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Attack Order Bug physical 15 90 100%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Spacial Rend Dragon special 5 100 95%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Drill Run Ground physical 10 80 95%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.

Shadow Blast Shadow physical 80 100%

Has an increased chance for a critical hit.


Psychic Pokémon get STAB, and have their types highlighted in green.

Pokémon with higher Attack are more suited to Psycho Cut's physical damage, and have the stat highlighted in green.

Generation 4 Black, White Black 2, White 2 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Sun, Moon Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon Pokémon Type Ability Gender Egg Group HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd Total
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
34 40 40 40 28 28 28 Kadabra Psychic Synchronize
Inner Focus
Magic Guard
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like 40 35 30 120 70 105 400
34 40 40 40 28 28 28 Alakazam Psychic Synchronize
Inner Focus
Magic Guard
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like 55 50 45 135 95 120 500
40 28 28 28 Mega Alakazam Mega Alakazam Psychic Trace ¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like 55 50 65 175 105 150 600
50 43 43 36 36 36 36 Mewtwo Psychic Pressure
genderless Undiscovered 106 110 90 154 90 130 680
36 36 36 36 Mega Mewtwo X Mega Mewtwo X Psychic Fighting Steadfast genderless Undiscovered 106 190 100 154 100 130 780
36 36 36 36 Mega Mewtwo Y Mega Mewtwo Y Psychic Insomnia genderless Undiscovered 106 150 70 194 120 140 780
31 36 36 36 31 31 31 Gallade Psychic Fighting Steadfast
always male Amorphous 68 125 65 65 115 80 518
31 31 31 Mega Gallade Mega Gallade Psychic Fighting Inner Focus always male Amorphous 68 165 95 65 115 110 618
60 60 49 47 37 37 37 Absol Dark Pressure
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Field 65 130 60 75 60 75 465
47 37 37 37 Mega Absol Mega Absol Dark Magic Bounce ½ male, ½ female Field 65 150 60 115 60 115 565
66 66 66 Cresselia Psychic Levitate always female Undiscovered 120 70 120 75 130 85 600
39 39 39 39 Inkay Dark Psychic Contrary
Suction Cups
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 2
53 54 53 37 46 45 288
39 39 39 39 Malamar Dark Psychic Contrary
Suction Cups
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 2
86 92 88 68 75 73 482
67 67 Kartana Grass Steel Beast Boost genderless Undiscovered 59 181 131 59 31 109 570
37 37 Necrozma Psychic Prism Armor genderless Undiscovered 97 107 101 127 89 79 600
37 Dusk Necrozma Dusk Necrozma Psychic Steel Prism Armor genderless Undiscovered 97 157 127 113 109 77 680
37 Dawn Necrozma Dawn Necrozma Psychic Ghost Prism Armor genderless Undiscovered 97 113 109 157 127 77 680
37 Ultra Necrozma Ultra Necrozma Psychic Dragon Neuroforce genderless Undiscovered 97 167 97 167 97 129 754
Generation 4 Black, White Black 2, White 2 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Sun, Moon Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon Pokémon Type Ability Gender Egg Group HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd Total
Egg: Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
• • • • • • • Drowzee Psychic Insomnia
Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Human-Like 60 48 45 43 90 42 328
• • • • • • • Meditite Fighting Psychic Pure Power
½ male, ½ female Human-Like 30 40 55 40 55 60 280
• • • • • • • Spinda Normal Own Tempo
Tangled Feet
½ male, ½ female Field
60 60 60 60 60 60 360
• • • • • • Pawniard Dark Steel Defiant
Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Human-Like 45 85 70 40 40 60 340

22 Pokémon

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