

Star Shape Pokémon





Doubles the wild encounter rate.

Natural Cure

Cures any major status ailment upon switching out.

Hidden Ability


Strengthens moves to 1.3× their power when moving last.

Damage Taken

  • Bug 1
  • Dark 1
  • Dragon 1
  • Electric 2
  • Fairy 1
  • Fighting 1
  • Fire ½
  • Flying 1
  • Ghost 1
  • Grass 2
  • Ground 1
  • Ice ½
  • Normal 1
  • Poison 1
  • Psychic 1
  • Rock 1
  • Steel ½
  • Water ½

Pokédex Numbers

Introduced in
Generation 1
120 Red, Blue, Yellow, FireRed, LeafGreen
Original Johto
167 Gold, Silver, Crystal
Original Hoenn
143 Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald
Updated Johto
169 HeartGold, SoulSilver
Updated Unova
238 Black 2, White 2
Coastal Kalos
34 X, Y
New Hoenn
148 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire
Original Alola
184 Sun, Moon
Original Akala
111 Sun, Moon
Updated Alola
223 Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon
Updated Akala
124 Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon


ヒトデマン (hitodeman)
Official roomaji


genderless Search:
Egg groups
  • Water 3
Hatch counter
20 Search:
Steps to hatch
5355 / 2805



Base EXP
68 Search:
Effort points
  • 1 Speed
Capture rate
225 Search:
Base happiness
70 Search:
Growth rate
slow Search:

Wild held items

Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen 50% Stardust Stardust
5% Star Piece Star Piece
Colosseum, XD nothing
Generation 4 50% Stardust Stardust
5% Star Piece Star Piece
Generation 5 50% Stardust Stardust
5% Star Piece Star Piece
X, Y 50% Stardust Stardust
5% Star Piece Star Piece
Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire nothing
Generation 7 50% Stardust Stardust
5% Star Piece Star Piece


Baby Basic Stage 1 Stage 2
Staryu Starmie Use a Water Stone


Pctile Min IVs Max IVs
2.1 233 264
12.0 158 189
29.3 178 209
Special Attack
54.3 208 239
Special Defense
30.1 178 209
68.3 238 269

HeartGold, SoulSilver Pokéathlon Performance

★ Minimum; ✯ Base; ☆ Maximum



Flavor Text

Generation 5
Black, White

If its body is torn, it can grow back if the red core remains. The core flashes at midnight.

Black 2, White 2

As long as its red core remains, it can regenerate its body instantly, even if it’s torn apart.

Generation 6

Even if its body is torn, it can regenerate as long as the glowing central core remains intact.


It appears in large numbers by seashores. At night, its central core flashes with a red light.

Omega Ruby

Staryu’s center section has an organ called the core that shines bright red. If you go to a beach toward the end of summer, the glowing cores of these Pokémon look like the stars in the sky.

Alpha Sapphire

Staryu apparently communicates with the stars in the night sky by flashing the red core at the center of its body. If parts of its body are torn, this Pokémon simply regenerates the missing pieces and limbs.

Generation 7

Large numbers of these Pokémon make their home at the seaside. At night, a strange red glow radiates from the center of their bodies.


This Pokémon gets nibbled on by Lumineon and others. Thanks to its red core, it regenerates fast, so it’s unconcerned by their snack attacks.

Ultra Sun

In many places, there are folktales of stardust falling into the ocean and becoming Staryu.

Ultra Moon

No number of injuries can bother Staryu. Its amazing regenerative powers return it to its previous state in half a day!


Staryu Staryu


Star Shape Pokémon Search:
Brown Search:
Habitat FireRed, LeafGreen
sea Search:
Alvine Search:


Trainer dude


0.8 m


Trainer dudette


76.1 lb
34.5 kg


Red Red
Blue Blue
Yellow Yellow
Gold Gold
Silver Silver
Crystal Crystal
Ruby Ruby
Sapphire Sapphire
Emerald Emerald
LeafGreen LeafGreen
Diamond Diamond
Pearl Pearl
Platinum Platinum
HeartGold HeartGold
SoulSilver SoulSilver
Black Black
White White
Black 2 Black 2
White 2 White 2

Pal Park



Water moves get STAB, and have their type highlighted in green.

Special moves better suit Staryu's higher Special Attack, and have their class highlighted in green.

Generation 1 Gold, Silver Crystal Generation 3 Diamond, Pearl
HeartGold, SoulSilver Black, White Black 2, White 2 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Generation 7 Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Tackle Normal physical 35 40 100%

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Harden Normal status 30

Raises the user's Defense by one stage.

17 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 Water Gun Water special 25 40 100%

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

22 Harden Normal status 30

Raises the user's Defense by one stage.

13 13 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7 Rapid Spin Normal physical 40 20 100%

Frees the user from binding moves, removes Leech Seed, and blows away Spikes.

27 19 19 15 15 15 15 12 12 10 10 Recover Normal status 10

Heals the user by half its max HP.

19 19 19 19 15 15 Camouflage Normal status 20

User's type changes to match the terrain.

13 13 Psywave Psychic special 15 * 100%

Inflicts damage between 50% and 150% of the user's level.

32 25 25 24 24 24 24 18 18 16 16 Swift Normal special 20 60

Never misses.

31 31 28 28 28 28 22 22 18 18 Bubble Beam Water special 20 65 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

37 37 37 33 33 33 33 25 25 Minimize Normal status 10

Raises the user's evasion by two stages.

22 22 Camouflage Normal status 20

User's type changes to match the terrain.

37 37 37 30 30 24 24 Gyro Ball Steel physical 5 * 100%

Power raises when the user has lower Speed, up to a maximum of 150.

42 43 43 37 42 42 42 33 33 Light Screen Psychic status 30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

42 Cosmic Power Psychic status 20

Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.

36 36 28 28 Brine Water special 10 65 100%

Has double power against Pokémon that have less than half their max HP remaining.

31 31 Minimize Normal status 10

Raises the user's evasion by two stages.

46 40 40 35 35 Reflect Type Normal status 15

User becomes the target's type.

46 46 51 43 43 37 37 Power Gem Rock special 20 80 100%

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

40 40 Confuse Ray Ghost status 10 100%

Confuses the target.

42 42 Psychic Psychic special 10 90 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

46 46 Light Screen Psychic status 30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

51 51 55 48 48 49 49 Cosmic Power Psychic status 20

Raises the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.

47 50 50 46 55 55 60 52 52 53 53 Hydro Pump Water special 5 110 80%

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Generation 1 Gold, Silver Crystal Generation 3 Diamond, Pearl
HeartGold, SoulSilver Black, White Black 2, White 2 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Generation 7 Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Egg: Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
• Aurora Beam Ice special 20 65 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

• Barrier Psychic status 20

Raises the user's Defense by two stages.

• Supersonic Normal status 20 55%

Confuses the target.

Generation 1 Gold, Silver Crystal Generation 3 Diamond, Pearl
HeartGold, SoulSilver Black, White Black 2, White 2 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Generation 7 Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.
Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Dive Water physical 10 80 100%

User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Double-Edge Normal physical 15 120 100%

User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Endure Normal status 10 4

Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Gravity Psychic status 5

Disables moves and immunities that involve flying or levitating for five turns.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Ice Beam Ice special 10 90 100%

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Icy Wind Ice special 15 55 95%

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Magic Coat Psychic status 15 4

Reflects back the first effect move used on the user this turn.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Mimic Normal status 10

Copies the target's last used move.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Pain Split Normal status 20

Sets the user's and targets's HP to the average of their current HP.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Psych Up Normal status 10

Discards the user's stat changes and copies the target's.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Recycle Normal status 10

User recovers the item it last used up.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Rollout Rock physical 20 30 90%

Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Signal Beam Bug special 15 75 100%

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Sleep Talk Normal status 10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Snore Normal special 15 50 100%

Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Substitute Normal status 10

Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Swagger Normal status 15 85%

Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Swift Normal special 20 60

Never misses.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Thunder Wave Electric status 20 90%

Paralyzes the target.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Thunderbolt Electric special 15 90 100%

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Twister Dragon special 20 40 100%

Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Crystal Emerald XD FireRed, LeafGreen Platinum HeartGold, SoulSilver Black 2, White 2 Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Water Pulse Water special 20 60 100%

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Generation 1 Gold, Silver Crystal Generation 3 Diamond, Pearl
HeartGold, SoulSilver Black, White Black 2, White 2 X, Y Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire Generation 7 Move Type Class PP Power Acc Pri Effect
Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03 03 03 Water Pulse Water special 20 60 100%

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

03 03 Curse Ghost status 10

Ghosts pay half their max HP to hurt the target every turn. Others decrease Speed but raise Attack and Defense.

06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 Toxic Poison status 10 90%

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09 Take Down Normal physical 20 90 85%

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

10 Double-Edge Normal physical 15 120 100%

User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.

11 Bubble Beam Water special 20 65 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

12 Water Gun Water special 25 40 100%

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 Hail Ice status 10

Changes the weather to a hailstorm for five turns.

07 07 Zap Cannon Electric special 5 120 50%

Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.

09 09 Psych Up Normal status 10

Discards the user's stat changes and copies the target's.

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Hidden Power Normal special 15 60 100%

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

13 13 Snore Normal special 15 50 100%

Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Ice Beam Ice special 10 90 100%

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Blizzard Ice special 5 110 70%

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

20 Rage Normal physical 20 20 100%

If the user is hit after using this move, its Attack rises by one stage.

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Light Screen Psychic status 30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

16 16 Icy Wind Ice special 15 55 95%

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Protect Normal status 10 4

Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Rain Dance Water status 5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.

20 20 Endure Normal status 10 4

Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Frustration Normal physical 20 * 100%

Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Thunderbolt Electric special 15 90 100%

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Thunder Electric special 10 110 70%

Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Return Normal physical 20 * 100%

Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Psychic Psychic special 10 90 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

30 Teleport Psychic status 20

Immediately ends wild battles. No effect otherwise.

31 Mimic Normal status 10

Copies the target's last used move.

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Double Team Normal status 15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34 34 Swagger Normal status 15 85%

Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

35 35 Sleep Talk Normal status 10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Reflect Psychic status 20

Reduces damage from physical attacks by half.

42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 Facade Normal physical 20 70 100%

Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43 43 43 Secret Power Normal physical 20 70 100%

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.

34 Bide Normal physical 10 * 1

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.

39 39 39 Swift Normal special 20 60

Never misses.

40 Skull Bash Normal physical 10 130 100%

Raises the user's Defense by one stage. User charges for one turn before attacking.

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Rest Psychic status 10

User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.

55 55 Brine Water special 10 65 100%

Has double power against Pokémon that have less than half their max HP remaining.

58 58 Endure Normal status 10 4

Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

67 67 Recycle Normal status 10

User recovers the item it last used up.

48 48 48 48 48 Round Normal special 15 60 100%

Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

55 55 55 55 55 Scald Water special 15 80 100%

Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

45 45 Attract Normal status 15 100%

Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.

70 70 70 70 70 70 Flash Normal status 20 100%

Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

45 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 Thunder Wave Electric status 20 90%

Paralyzes the target.

74 74 74 74 74 74 74 Gyro Ball Steel physical 5 * 100%

Power raises when the user has lower Speed, up to a maximum of 150.

77 77 77 77 77 77 77 Psych Up Normal status 10

Discards the user's stat changes and copies the target's.

82 82 Sleep Talk Normal status 10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83 83 Natural Gift Normal physical 15 * 100%

Power and type depend on the held berry.

87 87 87 87 87 87 87 Swagger Normal status 15 85%

Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88 88 88 Sleep Talk Normal status 10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

46 Psywave Psychic special 15 * 100%

Inflicts damage between 50% and 150% of the user's level.

49 Tri Attack Normal special 10 80 100%

Has a 20% chance to burn, freeze, or paralyze the target.

50 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Substitute Normal status 10

Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91 91 91 91 91 91 91 Flash Cannon Steel special 10 80 100%

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 94 Surf Water special 15 90 100%

Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.

H5 H5 H5 H5 Flash Normal status 20 100%

Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

H7 H7 H5 H5 98 Waterfall Water physical 15 80 100%

Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

H6 H6 H5 Whirlpool Water special 15 35 85%

Prevents the target from leaving battle and inflicts 1/16 its max HP in damage for 2-5 turns.

94 Secret Power Normal physical 20 70 100%

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.

99 99 99 Dazzling Gleam Fairy special 10 80 100%

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

100 100 100 Confide Normal status 20

Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.

H3 H3 Surf Water special 15 90 100%

Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.

H7 H7 H7 H5 H5 Waterfall Water physical 15 80 100%

Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

H8 H6 H6 H7 Dive Water physical 10 80 100%

User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

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