141 results (112 species)

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Name Type Ability Gender Egg Group HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd Total
Absol Dark Pressure
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Field
65 130 60 75 60 75 465
Mega Absol Dark Magic Bounce
½ male, ½ female Field
65 150 60 115 60 115 565
Accelgor Bug Hydration
Sticky Hold
½ male, ½ female Bug
80 70 40 100 60 145 495
Archen Rock Flying Defeatist
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
Water 3
55 112 45 74 45 70 401
Archeops Rock Flying Defeatist
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
Water 3
75 140 65 112 65 110 567
Bidoof Normal Simple
½ male, ½ female Water 1
59 45 40 35 40 31 250
Blaziken Fire Fighting Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
80 120 70 110 70 80 530
Mega Blaziken Fire Fighting Speed Boost
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
80 160 80 130 80 100 630
Blitzle Electric Lightning Rod
Motor Drive
½ male, ½ female Field
45 60 32 50 32 76 295
Buizel Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 1
55 65 35 60 30 85 330
Buneary Normal Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
55 66 44 44 56 85 350
Bunnelby Normal Pickup
Cheek Pouch
½ male, ½ female Field
38 36 38 32 36 57 237
Cobalion Steel Fighting Justified
genderless Undiscovered
91 90 129 90 72 108 580
Combusken Fire Fighting Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
60 85 60 85 60 55 405
Cyndaquil Fire Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
39 52 43 60 50 65 309
Darkrai Dark Bad Dreams
genderless Undiscovered
70 90 90 135 90 125 600
Delibird Ice Flying Vital Spirit
½ male, ½ female Water 1
45 55 45 65 45 75 330
Diggersby Normal Ground Pickup
Cheek Pouch
½ male, ½ female Field
85 56 77 50 77 78 423
Dodrio Normal Flying Run Away
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Flying
60 110 70 60 60 110 470
Doduo Normal Flying Run Away
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Flying
35 85 45 35 35 75 310
Eevee Normal Run Away
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
55 55 50 45 65 55 325
Electabuzz Electric Static
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
65 83 57 95 85 105 490
Electivire Electric Motor Drive
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
75 123 67 95 85 95 540
Electrike Electric Static
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Field
40 45 40 65 40 65 295
Elekid Electric Static
¾ male, ¼ female Undiscovered
45 63 37 65 55 95 360
Emolga Electric Flying Static
½ male, ½ female Field
55 75 60 75 60 103 428
Espeon Psychic Synchronize
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 65 60 130 95 110 525
Farfetch’d Normal Flying Keen Eye
Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Flying
52 90 55 58 62 60 377
Flareon Fire Flash Fire
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 130 60 95 110 65 525
Fletchinder Fire Flying Flame Body
½ male, ½ female Flying
62 73 55 56 52 84 382
Fletchling Normal Flying Big Pecks
½ male, ½ female Flying
45 50 43 40 38 62 278
Floatzel Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 1
85 105 55 85 50 115 495
Froakie Water Torrent
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
41 56 40 62 44 71 314
Frogadier Water Torrent
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
54 63 52 83 56 97 405
Furret Normal Run Away
Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Field
85 76 64 45 55 90 415
Genesect Bug Steel Download
genderless Undiscovered
71 120 95 120 95 99 600
Glaceon Ice Snow Cloak
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 60 110 130 95 65 525
Glameow Normal Limber
Own Tempo
¼ male, ¾ female Field
49 55 42 42 37 85 310
Gligar Ground Flying Hyper Cutter
Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Bug
65 75 105 35 65 85 430
Gliscor Ground Flying Hyper Cutter
Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Bug
75 95 125 45 75 95 510
Greninja Water Dark Torrent
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
72 95 67 103 71 122 530
Battle Bond Greninja Water Dark Battle Bond
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
72 95 67 103 71 122 530
Ash's Greninja Water Dark Battle Bond
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
72 145 67 153 71 132 640
Grovyle Grass Overgrow
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
50 65 45 85 65 95 405
Heliolisk Electric Normal Dry Skin
Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Monster
62 55 52 109 94 109 481
Helioptile Electric Normal Dry Skin
Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Monster
44 38 33 61 43 70 289
Hitmontop Fighting Intimidate
always male Human-Like
50 95 95 35 110 70 455
Illumise Bug Oblivious
Tinted Lens
always female Bug
65 47 75 73 85 85 430
Jolteon Electric Volt Absorb
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 65 60 110 95 130 525
Leafeon Grass Leaf Guard
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 110 130 60 65 95 525
Lopunny Normal Cute Charm
½ male, ½ female Field
65 76 84 54 96 105 480
Mega Lopunny Normal Fighting Scrappy
½ male, ½ female Field
65 136 94 54 96 135 580
Lucario Fighting Steel Steadfast
Inner Focus
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
70 110 70 115 70 90 525
Mega Lucario Fighting Steel Adaptability
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
70 145 88 140 70 112 625
Midday Lycanroc Rock Keen Eye
Sand Rush
½ male, ½ female Field
75 115 65 55 65 112 487
Manectric Electric Static
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Field
70 75 60 105 60 105 475
Mega Manectric Electric Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Field
70 75 80 135 80 135 575
Masquerain Bug Flying Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Water 1
70 60 62 100 82 80 454
Aria Meloetta Normal Psychic Serene Grace
genderless Undiscovered
100 77 77 128 128 90 600
Pirouette Meloetta Normal Fighting Serene Grace
genderless Undiscovered
100 128 90 77 77 128 600
Minun Electric Minus
½ male, ½ female Fairy
60 40 50 75 85 95 405
Murkrow Dark Flying Insomnia
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Flying
60 85 42 85 42 91 405
Natu Psychic Flying Synchronize
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 50 45 70 45 70 320
Ninetales Fire Flash Fire
¼ male, ¾ female Field
73 76 75 81 100 100 505
Pachirisu Electric Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
60 45 70 45 90 95 405
Passimian Fighting Receiver
½ male, ½ female Field
100 120 90 40 60 80 490
Pidgeot Normal Flying Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
½ male, ½ female Flying
83 80 75 70 70 101 479
Mega Pidgeot Normal Flying No Guard
½ male, ½ female Flying
83 80 80 135 80 121 579
Pidgeotto Normal Flying Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
½ male, ½ female Flying
63 60 55 50 50 71 349
Pidgey Normal Flying Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 45 40 35 35 56 251
Pidove Normal Flying Big Pecks
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Flying
50 55 50 36 30 43 264
Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Cosplay Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Rock Star Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Belle Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Pop Star Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Ph.D. Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Libre Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Original Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Hoenn Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Sinnoh Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Unova Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Kalos Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Alola Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pinsir Bug Hyper Cutter
Mold Breaker
½ male, ½ female Bug
65 125 100 55 70 85 500
Mega Pinsir Bug Flying Aerilate
½ male, ½ female Bug
65 155 120 65 90 105 600
Plusle Electric Plus
½ male, ½ female Fairy
60 50 40 85 75 95 405
Ponyta Fire Run Away
Flash Fire
½ male, ½ female Field
50 85 55 65 65 90 410
Quilava Fire Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
58 64 58 80 65 80 405
Raichu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
60 90 55 90 80 110 485
Alolan Raichu Electric Psychic Surge Surfer
½ male, ½ female Field
60 85 50 95 85 110 485
Raikou Electric Pressure
genderless Undiscovered
90 85 75 115 100 115 580
Rapidash Fire Run Away
Flash Fire
½ male, ½ female Field
65 100 70 80 80 105 500
Raticate Normal Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
55 81 60 50 70 97 413
Alolan Raticate Dark Normal Gluttony
½ male, ½ female Field
75 71 70 40 80 77 413
Totem Alolan Raticate Dark Normal Gluttony
½ male, ½ female Field
75 71 70 40 80 77 413
Rattata Normal Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
30 56 35 25 35 72 253
Alolan Rattata Dark Normal Gluttony
½ male, ½ female Field
30 56 35 25 35 72 253
Riolu Fighting Steadfast
Inner Focus
⅞ male, ⅛ female Undiscovered
40 70 40 35 40 60 285
Sceptile Grass Overgrow
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
70 85 65 105 85 120 530
Mega Sceptile Grass Dragon Lightning Rod
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
70 110 75 145 85 145 630
Scizor Bug Steel Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
70 130 100 55 80 65 500
Mega Scizor Bug Steel Technician
½ male, ½ female Bug
70 150 140 65 100 75 600
Scyther Bug Flying Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
70 110 80 55 80 105 500
Seedot Grass Chlorophyll
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Field
40 40 50 30 30 30 220
Sentret Normal Run Away
Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Field
35 46 34 35 45 20 215
Sky Shaymin Grass Flying Serene Grace
genderless Undiscovered
100 103 75 120 75 127 600
Shinx Electric Rivalry
½ male, ½ female Field
45 65 34 40 34 45 263
Sneasel Dark Ice Inner Focus
Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Field
55 95 55 35 75 115 430
Spearow Normal Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 60 30 31 31 70 262
Staraptor Normal Flying Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Flying
85 120 70 50 60 100 485
Staravia Normal Flying Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Flying
55 75 50 40 40 80 340
Starly Normal Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 55 30 30 30 60 245
Surskit Bug Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 1
40 30 32 50 52 65 269
Swellow Normal Flying Guts
½ male, ½ female Flying
60 85 60 75 50 125 455
Sylveon Fairy Cute Charm
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
95 65 65 110 130 60 525
Taillow Normal Flying Guts
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 55 30 30 30 85 270
Talonflame Fire Flying Flame Body
½ male, ½ female Flying
78 81 71 74 69 126 499
Tapu Koko Electric Fairy Electric Surge
genderless Undiscovered
70 115 85 95 75 130 570
Terrakion Rock Fighting Justified
genderless Undiscovered
91 129 90 72 90 108 580
Torchic Fire Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
45 60 40 70 50 45 310
Tranquill Normal Flying Big Pecks
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Flying
62 77 62 50 42 65 358
Trapinch Ground Hyper Cutter
Arena Trap
½ male, ½ female Bug
45 100 45 45 45 10 290
Treecko Grass Overgrow
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
40 45 35 65 55 70 310
Typhlosion Fire Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
78 84 78 109 85 100 534
Umbreon Dark Synchronize
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
95 65 110 60 130 65 525
Unfezant Normal Flying Big Pecks
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Flying
80 115 80 65 55 93 488
Vaporeon Water Water Absorb
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
130 65 60 110 95 65 525
Victini Psychic Fire Victory Star
genderless Undiscovered
100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Virizion Grass Fighting Justified
genderless Undiscovered
91 90 72 90 129 108 580
Volbeat Bug Illuminate
always male Bug
65 73 75 47 85 85 430
Vulpix Fire Flash Fire
¼ male, ¾ female Field
38 41 40 50 65 65 299
Weavile Dark Ice Pressure
½ male, ½ female Field
70 120 65 45 85 125 510
Wingull Water Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Water 1
40 30 30 55 30 85 270
Yanma Bug Flying Speed Boost
Compound Eyes
½ male, ½ female Bug
65 65 45 75 45 95 390
Yanmega Bug Flying Speed Boost
Tinted Lens
½ male, ½ female Bug
86 76 86 116 56 95 515
Zangoose Normal Immunity
½ male, ½ female Field
73 115 60 60 60 90 458
Zebstrika Electric Lightning Rod
Motor Drive
½ male, ½ female Field
75 100 63 80 63 116 497
Zeraora Electric Volt Absorb
genderless Undiscovered
88 112 75 102 80 143 600
Zubat Poison Flying Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 45 35 30 40 55 245

Pokémon Search

Unless otherwise specified: matching Pokémon must match ALL of the criteria, but can match ANY selections within a group (e.g., evolution stage).

Anything left blank is ignored entirely.




Type must be .




Understands single numbers (50); ranges (17-29); at-least (100+); at-most (< 100); approximations (120~10 = 110-130); and any combination of those (20, 50-60, 90~5).

Height and weight work the same way, but require units. Anything is acceptable. You can even use Pokémon names as units.

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e.g.: * $id $name becomes • 133 Eevee

⅞ male, ⅛ female
Run Away/Adaptability
Run Away
1 Special Defense
0.3 m
14.3 lb
14.3 lb
6.5 kg
Evolution Pokémon