503 results (403 species)

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Name Type Ability Gender Egg Group HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spd Total
Caterpie Bug Shield Dust
½ male, ½ female Bug
45 30 35 20 20 45 195
Metapod Bug Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Bug
50 20 55 25 25 30 205
Butterfree Bug Flying Compound Eyes
½ male, ½ female Bug
60 45 50 90 80 70 395
Rattata Normal Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
30 56 35 25 35 72 253
Alolan Rattata Dark Normal Gluttony
½ male, ½ female Field
30 56 35 25 35 72 253
Raticate Normal Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
55 81 60 50 70 97 413
Alolan Raticate Dark Normal Gluttony
½ male, ½ female Field
75 71 70 40 80 77 413
Totem Alolan Raticate Dark Normal Gluttony
½ male, ½ female Field
75 71 70 40 80 77 413
Spearow Normal Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 60 30 31 31 70 262
Fearow Normal Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Flying
65 90 65 61 61 100 442
Ekans Poison Intimidate
Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Field
35 60 44 40 54 55 288
Arbok Poison Intimidate
Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Field
60 95 69 65 79 80 448
Pichu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Undiscovered
20 40 15 35 35 60 205
Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Cosplay Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Rock Star Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Belle Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Pop Star Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Ph.D. Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Libre Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Original Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Hoenn Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Sinnoh Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Unova Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Kalos Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Alola Cap Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Pikachu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
35 55 40 50 50 90 320
Raichu Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Field
60 90 55 90 80 110 485
Alolan Raichu Electric Psychic Surge Surfer
½ male, ½ female Field
60 85 50 95 85 110 485
Sandshrew Ground Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Field
50 75 85 20 30 40 300
Alolan Sandshrew Ice Steel Snow Cloak
½ male, ½ female Field
50 75 90 10 35 40 300
Sandslash Ground Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Field
75 100 110 45 55 65 450
Alolan Sandslash Ice Steel Snow Cloak
½ male, ½ female Field
75 100 120 25 65 65 450
Cleffa Fairy Cute Charm
Magic Guard
¼ male, ¾ female Undiscovered
50 25 28 45 55 15 218
Clefairy Fairy Cute Charm
Magic Guard
¼ male, ¾ female Fairy
70 45 48 60 65 35 323
Clefable Fairy Cute Charm
Magic Guard
¼ male, ¾ female Fairy
95 70 73 95 90 60 483
Vulpix Fire Flash Fire
¼ male, ¾ female Field
38 41 40 50 65 65 299
Alolan Vulpix Ice Snow Cloak
¼ male, ¾ female Field
38 41 40 50 65 65 299
Ninetales Fire Flash Fire
¼ male, ¾ female Field
73 76 75 81 100 100 505
Alolan Ninetales Ice Fairy Snow Cloak
¼ male, ¾ female Field
73 67 75 81 100 109 505
Igglybuff Normal Fairy Cute Charm
¼ male, ¾ female Undiscovered
90 30 15 40 20 15 210
Jigglypuff Normal Fairy Cute Charm
¼ male, ¾ female Fairy
115 45 20 45 25 20 270
Wigglytuff Normal Fairy Cute Charm
¼ male, ¾ female Fairy
140 70 45 85 50 45 435
Zubat Poison Flying Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 45 35 30 40 55 245
Golbat Poison Flying Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Flying
75 80 70 65 75 90 455
Crobat Poison Flying Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Flying
85 90 80 70 80 130 535
Paras Bug Grass Effect Spore
Dry Skin
½ male, ½ female Bug
35 70 55 45 55 25 285
Parasect Bug Grass Effect Spore
Dry Skin
½ male, ½ female Bug
60 95 80 60 80 30 405
Diglett Ground Sand Veil
Arena Trap
½ male, ½ female Field
10 55 25 35 45 95 265
Alolan Diglett Ground Steel Sand Veil
Tangling Hair
½ male, ½ female Field
10 55 30 35 45 90 265
Dugtrio Ground Sand Veil
Arena Trap
½ male, ½ female Field
35 100 50 50 70 120 425
Alolan Dugtrio Ground Steel Sand Veil
Tangling Hair
½ male, ½ female Field
35 100 60 50 70 110 425
Meowth Normal Pickup
½ male, ½ female Field
40 45 35 40 40 90 290
Alolan Meowth Dark Pickup
½ male, ½ female Field
40 35 35 50 40 90 290
Persian Normal Limber
½ male, ½ female Field
65 70 60 65 65 115 440
Alolan Persian Dark Fur Coat
½ male, ½ female Field
65 60 60 75 65 115 440
Psyduck Water Damp
Cloud Nine
½ male, ½ female Water 1
50 52 48 65 50 55 320
Golduck Water Damp
Cloud Nine
½ male, ½ female Water 1
80 82 78 95 80 85 500
Mankey Fighting Vital Spirit
Anger Point
½ male, ½ female Field
40 80 35 35 45 70 305
Primeape Fighting Vital Spirit
Anger Point
½ male, ½ female Field
65 105 60 60 70 95 455
Growlithe Fire Intimidate
Flash Fire
¾ male, ¼ female Field
55 70 45 70 50 60 350
Arcanine Fire Intimidate
Flash Fire
¾ male, ¼ female Field
90 110 80 100 80 95 555
Poliwag Water Water Absorb
½ male, ½ female Water 1
40 50 40 40 40 90 300
Poliwhirl Water Water Absorb
½ male, ½ female Water 1
65 65 65 50 50 90 385
Poliwrath Water Fighting Water Absorb
½ male, ½ female Water 1
90 95 95 70 90 70 510
Politoed Water Water Absorb
½ male, ½ female Water 1
90 75 75 90 100 70 500
Abra Psychic Synchronize
Inner Focus
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
25 20 15 105 55 90 310
Kadabra Psychic Synchronize
Inner Focus
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
40 35 30 120 70 105 400
Alakazam Psychic Synchronize
Inner Focus
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
55 50 45 135 95 120 500
Mega Alakazam Psychic Trace
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
55 50 65 175 105 150 600
Machop Fighting Guts
No Guard
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
70 80 50 35 35 35 305
Machoke Fighting Guts
No Guard
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
80 100 70 50 60 45 405
Machamp Fighting Guts
No Guard
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
90 130 80 65 85 55 505
Tentacool Water Poison Clear Body
Liquid Ooze
½ male, ½ female Water 3
40 40 35 50 100 70 335
Tentacruel Water Poison Clear Body
Liquid Ooze
½ male, ½ female Water 3
80 70 65 80 120 100 515
Geodude Rock Ground Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Mineral
40 80 100 30 30 20 300
Alolan Geodude Rock Electric Magnet Pull
½ male, ½ female Mineral
40 80 100 30 30 20 300
Graveler Rock Ground Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Mineral
55 95 115 45 45 35 390
Alolan Graveler Rock Electric Magnet Pull
½ male, ½ female Mineral
55 95 115 45 45 35 390
Golem Rock Ground Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Mineral
80 120 130 55 65 45 495
Alolan Golem Rock Electric Magnet Pull
½ male, ½ female Mineral
80 120 130 55 65 45 495
Slowpoke Water Psychic Oblivious
Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Monster
Water 1
90 65 65 40 40 15 315
Slowbro Water Psychic Oblivious
Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Monster
Water 1
95 75 110 100 80 30 490
Mega Slowbro Water Psychic Shell Armor
½ male, ½ female Monster
Water 1
95 75 180 130 80 30 590
Slowking Water Psychic Oblivious
Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Monster
Water 1
95 75 80 100 110 30 490
Magnemite Electric Steel Magnet Pull
genderless Mineral
25 35 70 95 55 45 325
Magneton Electric Steel Magnet Pull
genderless Mineral
50 60 95 120 70 70 465
Magnezone Electric Steel Magnet Pull
genderless Mineral
70 70 115 130 90 60 535
Seel Water Thick Fat
½ male, ½ female Water 1
65 45 55 45 70 45 325
Dewgong Water Ice Thick Fat
½ male, ½ female Water 1
90 70 80 70 95 70 475
Grimer Poison Stench
Sticky Hold
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
80 80 50 40 50 25 325
Alolan Grimer Poison Dark Poison Touch
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
80 80 50 40 50 25 325
Muk Poison Stench
Sticky Hold
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
105 105 75 65 100 50 500
Alolan Muk Poison Dark Poison Touch
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
105 105 75 65 100 50 500
Shellder Water Shell Armor
Skill Link
½ male, ½ female Water 3
30 65 100 45 25 40 305
Cloyster Water Ice Shell Armor
Skill Link
½ male, ½ female Water 3
50 95 180 85 45 70 525
Gastly Ghost Poison Levitate
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
30 35 30 100 35 80 310
Haunter Ghost Poison Levitate
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
45 50 45 115 55 95 405
Gengar Ghost Poison Cursed Body
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
60 65 60 130 75 110 500
Mega Gengar Ghost Poison Shadow Tag
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
60 65 80 170 95 130 600
Drowzee Psychic Insomnia
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
60 48 45 43 90 42 328
Hypno Psychic Insomnia
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
85 73 70 73 115 67 483
Exeggcute Grass Psychic Chlorophyll
½ male, ½ female Grass
60 40 80 60 45 40 325
Exeggutor Grass Psychic Chlorophyll
½ male, ½ female Grass
95 95 85 125 75 55 530
Alolan Exeggutor Grass Dragon Frisk
½ male, ½ female Grass
95 105 85 125 75 45 530
Cubone Ground Rock Head
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Monster
50 50 95 40 50 35 320
Marowak Ground Rock Head
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Monster
60 80 110 50 80 45 425
Alolan Marowak Fire Ghost Cursed Body
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Monster
60 80 110 50 80 45 425
Marowak Fire Ghost Cursed Body
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Monster
60 80 110 50 80 45 425
Lickitung Normal Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Monster
90 55 75 60 75 30 385
Lickilicky Normal Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Monster
110 85 95 80 95 50 515
Happiny Normal Natural Cure
Serene Grace
always female Undiscovered
100 5 5 15 65 30 220
Chansey Normal Natural Cure
Serene Grace
always female Fairy
250 5 5 35 105 50 450
Blissey Normal Natural Cure
Serene Grace
always female Fairy
255 10 10 75 135 55 540
Kangaskhan Normal Early Bird
always female Monster
105 95 80 40 80 90 490
Mega Kangaskhan Normal Parental Bond
always female Monster
105 125 100 60 100 100 590
Goldeen Water Swift Swim
Water Veil
½ male, ½ female Water 2
45 67 60 35 50 63 320
Seaking Water Swift Swim
Water Veil
½ male, ½ female Water 2
80 92 65 65 80 68 450
Staryu Water Illuminate
Natural Cure
genderless Water 3
30 45 55 70 55 85 340
Starmie Water Psychic Illuminate
Natural Cure
genderless Water 3
60 75 85 100 85 115 520
Mime Jr. Psychic Fairy Soundproof
½ male, ½ female Undiscovered
20 25 45 70 90 60 310
Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy Soundproof
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
40 45 65 100 120 90 460
Scyther Bug Flying Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
70 110 80 55 80 105 500
Scizor Bug Steel Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
70 130 100 55 80 65 500
Mega Scizor Bug Steel Technician
½ male, ½ female Bug
70 150 140 65 100 75 600
Smoochum Ice Psychic Oblivious
always female Undiscovered
45 30 15 85 65 65 305
Jynx Ice Psychic Oblivious
always female Human-Like
65 50 35 115 95 95 455
Elekid Electric Static
¾ male, ¼ female Undiscovered
45 63 37 65 55 95 360
Electabuzz Electric Static
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
65 83 57 95 85 105 490
Electivire Electric Motor Drive
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
75 123 67 95 85 95 540
Magby Fire Flame Body
¾ male, ¼ female Undiscovered
45 75 37 70 55 83 365
Magmar Fire Flame Body
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
65 95 57 100 85 93 495
Magmortar Fire Flame Body
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
75 95 67 125 95 83 540
Pinsir Bug Hyper Cutter
Mold Breaker
½ male, ½ female Bug
65 125 100 55 70 85 500
Mega Pinsir Bug Flying Aerilate
½ male, ½ female Bug
65 155 120 65 90 105 600
Tauros Normal Intimidate
Anger Point
always male Field
75 100 95 40 70 110 490
Magikarp Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 2
20 10 55 15 20 80 200
Gyarados Water Flying Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Water 2
95 125 79 60 100 81 540
Mega Gyarados Water Dark Mold Breaker
½ male, ½ female Water 2
95 155 109 70 130 81 640
Lapras Water Ice Water Absorb
Shell Armor
½ male, ½ female Monster
Water 1
130 85 80 85 95 60 535
Ditto Normal Limber
genderless Ditto
48 48 48 48 48 48 288
Eevee Normal Run Away
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
55 55 50 45 65 55 325
Vaporeon Water Water Absorb
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
130 65 60 110 95 65 525
Jolteon Electric Volt Absorb
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 65 60 110 95 130 525
Flareon Fire Flash Fire
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 130 60 95 110 65 525
Espeon Psychic Synchronize
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 65 60 130 95 110 525
Umbreon Dark Synchronize
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
95 65 110 60 130 65 525
Leafeon Grass Leaf Guard
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 110 130 60 65 95 525
Glaceon Ice Snow Cloak
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 60 110 130 95 65 525
Sylveon Fairy Cute Charm
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
95 65 65 110 130 60 525
Porygon Normal Trace
genderless Mineral
65 60 70 85 75 40 395
Porygon2 Normal Trace
genderless Mineral
85 80 90 105 95 60 515
Porygon-Z Normal Adaptability
genderless Mineral
85 80 70 135 75 90 535
Omanyte Rock Water Swift Swim
Shell Armor
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
Water 3
35 40 100 90 55 35 355
Omastar Rock Water Swift Swim
Shell Armor
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
Water 3
70 60 125 115 70 55 495
Kabuto Rock Water Swift Swim
Battle Armor
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
Water 3
30 80 90 55 45 55 355
Kabutops Rock Water Swift Swim
Battle Armor
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
Water 3
60 115 105 65 70 80 495
Aerodactyl Rock Flying Rock Head
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
80 105 65 60 75 130 515
Mega Aerodactyl Rock Flying Tough Claws
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
80 135 85 70 95 150 615
Munchlax Normal Pickup
Thick Fat
⅞ male, ⅛ female Undiscovered
135 85 40 40 85 5 390
Snorlax Normal Immunity
Thick Fat
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
160 110 65 65 110 30 540
Dratini Dragon Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Water 1
41 64 45 50 50 50 300
Dragonair Dragon Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Water 1
61 84 65 70 70 70 420
Dragonite Dragon Flying Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Water 1
91 134 95 100 100 80 600
Hoothoot Normal Flying Insomnia
Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Flying
60 30 30 36 56 50 262
Noctowl Normal Flying Insomnia
Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Flying
100 50 50 86 96 70 452
Ledyba Bug Flying Swarm
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Bug
40 20 30 40 80 55 265
Ledian Bug Flying Swarm
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Bug
55 35 50 55 110 85 390
Spinarak Bug Poison Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
40 60 40 40 40 30 250
Ariados Bug Poison Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
70 90 70 60 70 40 400
Chinchou Water Electric Volt Absorb
½ male, ½ female Water 2
75 38 38 56 56 67 330
Lanturn Water Electric Volt Absorb
½ male, ½ female Water 2
125 58 58 76 76 67 460
Natu Psychic Flying Synchronize
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 50 45 70 45 70 320
Xatu Psychic Flying Synchronize
Early Bird
½ male, ½ female Flying
65 75 70 95 70 95 470
Mareep Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Monster
55 40 40 65 45 35 280
Flaaffy Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Monster
70 55 55 80 60 45 365
Ampharos Electric Static
½ male, ½ female Monster
90 75 85 115 90 55 510
Mega Ampharos Electric Dragon Mold Breaker
½ male, ½ female Monster
90 95 105 165 110 45 610
Bonsly Rock Sturdy
Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Undiscovered
50 80 95 10 45 10 290
Sudowoodo Rock Sturdy
Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Mineral
70 100 115 30 65 30 410
Aipom Normal Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
55 70 55 40 55 85 360
Ambipom Normal Technician
½ male, ½ female Field
75 100 66 60 66 115 482
Murkrow Dark Flying Insomnia
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Flying
60 85 42 85 42 91 405
Honchkrow Dark Flying Insomnia
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Flying
100 125 52 105 52 71 505
Misdreavus Ghost Levitate
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
60 60 60 85 85 85 435
Mismagius Ghost Levitate
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
60 60 60 105 105 105 495
Pineco Bug Sturdy
½ male, ½ female Bug
50 65 90 35 35 15 290
Forretress Bug Steel Sturdy
½ male, ½ female Bug
75 90 140 60 60 40 465
Dunsparce Normal Serene Grace
Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
100 70 70 65 65 45 415
Snubbull Fairy Intimidate
Run Away
¼ male, ¾ female Field
60 80 50 40 40 30 300
Granbull Fairy Intimidate
Quick Feet
¼ male, ¾ female Field
90 120 75 60 60 45 450
Heracross Bug Fighting Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
80 125 75 40 95 85 500
Mega Heracross Bug Fighting Skill Link
½ male, ½ female Bug
80 185 115 40 105 75 600
Sneasel Dark Ice Inner Focus
Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Field
55 95 55 35 75 115 430
Weavile Dark Ice Pressure
½ male, ½ female Field
70 120 65 45 85 125 510
Corsola Water Rock Hustle
Natural Cure
¼ male, ¾ female Water 1
Water 3
65 55 95 65 95 35 410
Remoraid Water Hustle
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 2
35 65 35 65 35 65 300
Octillery Water Suction Cups
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 2
75 105 75 105 75 45 480
Delibird Ice Flying Vital Spirit
½ male, ½ female Water 1
45 55 45 65 45 75 330
Mantyke Water Flying Swift Swim
Water Absorb
½ male, ½ female Undiscovered
45 20 50 60 120 50 345
Mantine Water Flying Swift Swim
Water Absorb
½ male, ½ female Water 1
85 40 70 80 140 70 485
Skarmory Steel Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Flying
65 80 140 40 70 70 465
Houndour Dark Fire Early Bird
Flash Fire
½ male, ½ female Field
45 60 30 80 50 65 330
Houndoom Dark Fire Early Bird
Flash Fire
½ male, ½ female Field
75 90 50 110 80 95 500
Mega Houndoom Dark Fire Solar Power
½ male, ½ female Field
75 90 90 140 90 115 600
Smeargle Normal Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Field
55 20 35 20 45 75 250
Miltank Normal Thick Fat
always female Field
95 80 105 40 70 100 490
Larvitar Rock Ground Guts
½ male, ½ female Monster
50 64 50 45 50 41 300
Pupitar Rock Ground Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Monster
70 84 70 65 70 51 410
Tyranitar Rock Dark Sand Stream
½ male, ½ female Monster
100 134 110 95 100 61 600
Mega Tyranitar Rock Dark Sand Stream
½ male, ½ female Monster
100 164 150 95 120 71 700
Wingull Water Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Water 1
40 30 30 55 30 85 270
Pelipper Water Flying Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Water 1
60 50 100 95 70 65 440
Surskit Bug Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 1
40 30 32 50 52 65 269
Masquerain Bug Flying Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Water 1
70 60 62 100 82 80 454
Makuhita Fighting Thick Fat
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
72 60 30 20 30 25 237
Hariyama Fighting Thick Fat
¾ male, ¼ female Human-Like
144 120 60 40 60 50 474
Nosepass Rock Sturdy
Magnet Pull
½ male, ½ female Mineral
30 45 135 45 90 30 375
Probopass Rock Steel Sturdy
Magnet Pull
½ male, ½ female Mineral
60 55 145 75 150 40 525
Sableye Dark Ghost Keen Eye
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
50 75 75 65 65 50 380
Mega Sableye Dark Ghost Magic Bounce
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
50 85 125 85 115 20 480
Mawile Steel Fairy Hyper Cutter
½ male, ½ female Field
50 85 85 55 55 50 380
Mega Mawile Steel Fairy Huge Power
½ male, ½ female Field
50 105 125 55 95 50 480
Electrike Electric Static
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Field
40 45 40 65 40 65 295
Manectric Electric Static
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Field
70 75 60 105 60 105 475
Mega Manectric Electric Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Field
70 75 80 135 80 135 575
Carvanha Water Dark Rough Skin
½ male, ½ female Water 2
45 90 20 65 20 65 305
Sharpedo Water Dark Rough Skin
½ male, ½ female Water 2
70 120 40 95 40 95 460
Mega Sharpedo Water Dark Strong Jaw
½ male, ½ female Water 2
70 140 70 110 65 105 560
Wailmer Water Water Veil
½ male, ½ female Field
Water 2
130 70 35 70 35 60 400
Wailord Water Water Veil
½ male, ½ female Field
Water 2
170 90 45 90 45 60 500
Torkoal Fire White Smoke
½ male, ½ female Field
70 85 140 85 70 20 470
Spinda Normal Own Tempo
Tangled Feet
½ male, ½ female Field
60 60 60 60 60 60 360
Trapinch Ground Hyper Cutter
Arena Trap
½ male, ½ female Bug
45 100 45 45 45 10 290
Vibrava Ground Dragon Levitate
½ male, ½ female Bug
50 70 50 50 50 70 340
Flygon Ground Dragon Levitate
½ male, ½ female Bug
80 100 80 80 80 100 520
Barboach Water Ground Oblivious
½ male, ½ female Water 2
50 48 43 46 41 60 288
Whiscash Water Ground Oblivious
½ male, ½ female Water 2
110 78 73 76 71 60 468
Corphish Water Hyper Cutter
Shell Armor
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 3
43 80 65 50 35 35 308
Crawdaunt Water Dark Hyper Cutter
Shell Armor
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 3
63 120 85 90 55 55 468
Baltoy Ground Psychic Levitate
genderless Mineral
40 40 55 40 70 55 300
Claydol Ground Psychic Levitate
genderless Mineral
60 70 105 70 120 75 500
Lileep Rock Grass Suction Cups
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 3
66 41 77 61 87 23 355
Cradily Rock Grass Suction Cups
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 3
86 81 97 81 107 43 495
Anorith Rock Bug Battle Armor
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 3
45 95 50 40 50 75 355
Armaldo Rock Bug Battle Armor
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 3
75 125 100 70 80 45 495
Feebas Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 1
20 15 20 10 55 80 200
Milotic Water Marvel Scale
½ male, ½ female Water 1
95 60 79 100 125 81 540
Castform Normal Forecast
½ male, ½ female Fairy
70 70 70 70 70 70 420
Sunny Castform Fire Forecast
½ male, ½ female Fairy
70 70 70 70 70 70 420
Rainy Castform Water Forecast
½ male, ½ female Fairy
70 70 70 70 70 70 420
Snowy Castform Ice Forecast
½ male, ½ female Fairy
70 70 70 70 70 70 420
Kecleon Normal Color Change
½ male, ½ female Field
60 90 70 60 120 40 440
Shuppet Ghost Insomnia
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
44 75 35 63 33 45 295
Banette Ghost Insomnia
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
64 115 65 83 63 65 455
Mega Banette Ghost Prankster
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
64 165 75 93 83 75 555
Tropius Grass Flying Chlorophyll
Solar Power
½ male, ½ female Monster
99 68 83 72 87 51 460
Absol Dark Pressure
Super Luck
½ male, ½ female Field
65 130 60 75 60 75 465
Mega Absol Dark Magic Bounce
½ male, ½ female Field
65 150 60 115 60 115 565
Snorunt Ice Inner Focus
Ice Body
½ male, ½ female Fairy
50 50 50 50 50 50 300
Glalie Ice Inner Focus
Ice Body
½ male, ½ female Fairy
80 80 80 80 80 80 480
Mega Glalie Ice Refrigerate
½ male, ½ female Fairy
80 120 80 120 80 100 580
Froslass Ice Ghost Snow Cloak
always female Fairy
70 80 70 80 70 110 480
Clamperl Water Shell Armor
½ male, ½ female Water 1
35 64 85 74 55 32 345
Huntail Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 1
55 104 105 94 75 52 485
Gorebyss Water Swift Swim
½ male, ½ female Water 1
55 84 105 114 75 52 485
Relicanth Water Rock Swift Swim
Rock Head
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
Water 2
100 90 130 45 65 55 485
Luvdisc Water Swift Swim
¼ male, ¾ female Water 2
43 30 55 40 65 97 330
Bagon Dragon Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Dragon
45 75 60 40 30 50 300
Shelgon Dragon Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Dragon
65 95 100 60 50 50 420
Salamence Dragon Flying Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Dragon
95 135 80 110 80 100 600
Mega Salamence Dragon Flying Aerilate
½ male, ½ female Dragon
95 145 130 120 90 120 700
Beldum Steel Psychic Clear Body
genderless Mineral
40 55 80 35 60 30 300
Metang Steel Psychic Clear Body
genderless Mineral
60 75 100 55 80 50 420
Metagross Steel Psychic Clear Body
genderless Mineral
80 135 130 95 90 70 600
Mega Metagross Steel Psychic Tough Claws
genderless Mineral
80 145 150 105 110 110 700
Cranidos Rock Mold Breaker
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
67 125 40 30 30 58 350
Rampardos Rock Mold Breaker
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
97 165 60 65 50 58 495
Shieldon Rock Steel Sturdy
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
30 42 118 42 88 30 350
Bastiodon Rock Steel Sturdy
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
60 52 168 47 138 30 495
Shellos Water Sticky Hold
Storm Drain
½ male, ½ female Water 1
76 48 48 57 62 34 325
Gastrodon Water Ground Sticky Hold
Storm Drain
½ male, ½ female Water 1
111 83 68 92 82 39 475
Drifloon Ghost Flying Aftermath
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
90 50 34 60 44 70 348
Drifblim Ghost Flying Aftermath
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
150 80 44 90 54 80 498
Buneary Normal Run Away
½ male, ½ female Field
55 66 44 44 56 85 350
Lopunny Normal Cute Charm
½ male, ½ female Field
65 76 84 54 96 105 480
Mega Lopunny Normal Fighting Scrappy
½ male, ½ female Field
65 136 94 54 96 135 580
Gible Dragon Ground Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Monster
58 70 45 40 45 42 300
Gabite Dragon Ground Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Monster
68 90 65 50 55 82 410
Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand Veil
½ male, ½ female Monster
108 130 95 80 85 102 600
Mega Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand Force
½ male, ½ female Monster
108 170 115 120 95 92 700
Riolu Fighting Steadfast
Inner Focus
⅞ male, ⅛ female Undiscovered
40 70 40 35 40 60 285
Lucario Fighting Steel Steadfast
Inner Focus
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
70 110 70 115 70 90 525
Mega Lucario Fighting Steel Adaptability
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
70 145 88 140 70 112 625
Finneon Water Swift Swim
Storm Drain
½ male, ½ female Water 2
49 49 56 49 61 66 330
Lumineon Water Swift Swim
Storm Drain
½ male, ½ female Water 2
69 69 76 69 86 91 460
Lillipup Normal Vital Spirit
½ male, ½ female Field
45 60 45 25 45 55 275
Herdier Normal Intimidate
Sand Rush
½ male, ½ female Field
65 80 65 35 65 60 370
Stoutland Normal Intimidate
Sand Rush
½ male, ½ female Field
85 110 90 45 90 80 500
Roggenrola Rock Sturdy
Weak Armor
½ male, ½ female Mineral
55 75 85 25 25 15 280
Boldore Rock Sturdy
Weak Armor
½ male, ½ female Mineral
70 105 105 50 40 20 390
Gigalith Rock Sturdy
Sand Stream
½ male, ½ female Mineral
85 135 130 60 80 25 515
Cottonee Grass Fairy Prankster
½ male, ½ female Fairy
40 27 60 37 50 66 280
Whimsicott Grass Fairy Prankster
½ male, ½ female Fairy
60 67 85 77 75 116 480
Petilil Grass Chlorophyll
Own Tempo
always female Grass
45 35 50 70 50 30 280
Lilligant Grass Chlorophyll
Own Tempo
always female Grass
70 60 75 110 75 90 480
Red-Striped Basculin Water Reckless
½ male, ½ female Water 2
70 92 65 80 55 98 460
Blue-Striped Basculin Water Rock Head
½ male, ½ female Water 2
70 92 65 80 55 98 460
Sandile Ground Dark Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Field
50 72 35 35 35 65 292
Krokorok Ground Dark Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Field
60 82 45 45 45 74 351
Krookodile Ground Dark Intimidate
½ male, ½ female Field
95 117 80 65 70 92 519
Scraggy Dark Fighting Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Field
50 75 70 35 70 48 348
Scrafty Dark Fighting Shed Skin
½ male, ½ female Field
65 90 115 45 115 58 488
Tirtouga Water Rock Solid Rock
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
Water 3
54 78 103 53 45 22 355
Carracosta Water Rock Solid Rock
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
Water 3
74 108 133 83 65 32 495
Archen Rock Flying Defeatist
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
Water 3
55 112 45 74 45 70 401
Archeops Rock Flying Defeatist
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
Water 3
75 140 65 112 65 110 567
Trubbish Poison Stench
Sticky Hold
½ male, ½ female Mineral
50 50 62 40 62 65 329
Garbodor Poison Stench
Weak Armor
½ male, ½ female Mineral
80 95 82 60 82 75 474
Zorua Dark Illusion
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
40 65 40 80 40 65 330
Zoroark Dark Illusion
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
60 105 60 120 60 105 510
Minccino Normal Cute Charm
¼ male, ¾ female Field
55 50 40 40 40 75 300
Cinccino Normal Cute Charm
¼ male, ¾ female Field
75 95 60 65 60 115 470
Vanillite Ice Ice Body
Snow Cloak
½ male, ½ female Mineral
36 50 50 65 60 44 305
Vanillish Ice Ice Body
Snow Cloak
½ male, ½ female Mineral
51 65 65 80 75 59 395
Vanilluxe Ice Ice Body
Snow Warning
½ male, ½ female Mineral
71 95 85 110 95 79 535
Emolga Electric Flying Static
½ male, ½ female Field
55 75 60 75 60 103 428
Frillish Water Ghost Water Absorb
Cursed Body
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
55 40 50 65 85 40 335
Jellicent Water Ghost Water Absorb
Cursed Body
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
100 60 70 85 105 60 480
Alomomola Water Healer
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 2
165 75 80 40 45 65 470
Elgyem Psychic Telepathy
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
55 55 55 85 55 30 335
Beheeyem Psychic Telepathy
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
75 75 75 125 95 40 485
Mienfoo Fighting Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Field
45 85 50 55 50 65 350
Mienshao Fighting Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Field
65 125 60 95 60 105 510
Druddigon Dragon Rough Skin
Sheer Force
½ male, ½ female Monster
77 120 90 60 90 48 485
Golett Ground Ghost Iron Fist
genderless Mineral
59 74 50 35 50 35 303
Golurk Ground Ghost Iron Fist
genderless Mineral
89 124 80 55 80 55 483
Pawniard Dark Steel Defiant
Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
45 85 70 40 40 60 340
Bisharp Dark Steel Defiant
Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
65 125 100 60 70 70 490
Rufflet Normal Flying Keen Eye
Sheer Force
always male Flying
70 83 50 37 50 60 350
Braviary Normal Flying Keen Eye
Sheer Force
always male Flying
100 123 75 57 75 80 510
Vullaby Dark Flying Big Pecks
always female Flying
70 55 75 45 65 60 370
Mandibuzz Dark Flying Big Pecks
always female Flying
110 65 105 55 95 80 510
Larvesta Bug Fire Flame Body
½ male, ½ female Bug
55 85 55 50 55 60 360
Volcarona Bug Fire Flame Body
½ male, ½ female Bug
85 60 65 135 105 100 550
Fletchling Normal Flying Big Pecks
½ male, ½ female Flying
45 50 43 40 38 62 278
Fletchinder Fire Flying Flame Body
½ male, ½ female Flying
62 73 55 56 52 84 382
Talonflame Fire Flying Flame Body
½ male, ½ female Flying
78 81 71 74 69 126 499
Litleo Fire Normal Rivalry
⅛ male, ⅞ female Field
62 50 58 73 54 72 369
Pyroar Fire Normal Rivalry
⅛ male, ⅞ female Field
86 68 72 109 66 106 507
Flabébé Fairy Flower Veil
always female Fairy
44 38 39 61 79 42 303
Floette Fairy Flower Veil
always female Fairy
54 45 47 75 98 52 371
Eternal Floette Fairy Flower Veil
always female Fairy
74 65 67 125 128 92 551
Florges Fairy Flower Veil
always female Fairy
78 65 68 112 154 75 552
Pancham Fighting Iron Fist
Mold Breaker
½ male, ½ female Field
67 82 62 46 48 43 348
Pangoro Fighting Dark Iron Fist
Mold Breaker
½ male, ½ female Field
95 124 78 69 71 58 495
Furfrou Normal Fur Coat
½ male, ½ female Field
75 80 60 65 90 102 472
Inkay Dark Psychic Contrary
Suction Cups
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 2
53 54 53 37 46 45 288
Malamar Dark Psychic Contrary
Suction Cups
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 2
86 92 88 68 75 73 482
Skrelp Poison Water Poison Point
Poison Touch
½ male, ½ female Water 1
50 60 60 60 60 30 320
Dragalge Poison Dragon Poison Point
Poison Touch
½ male, ½ female Water 1
65 75 90 97 123 44 494
Clauncher Water Mega Launcher
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 3
50 53 62 58 63 44 330
Clawitzer Water Mega Launcher
½ male, ½ female Water 1
Water 3
71 73 88 120 89 59 500
Tyrunt Rock Dragon Strong Jaw
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
58 89 77 45 45 48 362
Tyrantrum Rock Dragon Strong Jaw
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
82 121 119 69 59 71 521
Amaura Rock Ice Refrigerate
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
77 59 50 67 63 46 362
Aurorus Rock Ice Refrigerate
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
123 77 72 99 92 58 521
Hawlucha Fighting Flying Limber
½ male, ½ female Human-Like
78 92 75 74 63 118 500
Dedenne Electric Fairy Cheek Pouch
½ male, ½ female Field
67 58 57 81 67 101 431
Carbink Rock Fairy Clear Body
genderless Fairy
50 50 150 50 150 50 500
Goomy Dragon Sap Sipper
½ male, ½ female Dragon
45 50 35 55 75 40 300
Sliggoo Dragon Sap Sipper
½ male, ½ female Dragon
68 75 53 83 113 60 452
Goodra Dragon Sap Sipper
½ male, ½ female Dragon
90 100 70 110 150 80 600
Klefki Steel Fairy Prankster
½ male, ½ female Mineral
57 80 91 80 87 75 470
Phantump Ghost Grass Natural Cure
½ male, ½ female Grass
43 70 48 50 60 38 309
Trevenant Ghost Grass Natural Cure
½ male, ½ female Grass
85 110 76 65 82 56 474
Noibat Flying Dragon Frisk
½ male, ½ female Flying
40 30 35 45 40 55 245
Noivern Flying Dragon Frisk
½ male, ½ female Flying
85 70 80 97 80 123 535
Zygarde Dragon Ground Aura Break
genderless Undiscovered
108 100 121 81 95 95 600
10% Zygarde Dragon Ground Power Construct
genderless Undiscovered
54 100 71 61 85 115 486
50% Zygarde Dragon Ground Power Construct
genderless Undiscovered
108 100 121 81 95 95 600
Complete Zygarde Dragon Ground Power Construct
genderless Undiscovered
216 100 121 91 95 85 708
Rowlet Grass Flying Overgrow
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
68 55 55 50 50 42 320
Dartrix Grass Flying Overgrow
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
78 75 75 70 70 52 420
Decidueye Grass Ghost Overgrow
⅞ male, ⅛ female Flying
78 107 75 100 100 70 530
Litten Fire Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
45 65 40 60 40 70 320
Torracat Fire Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
65 85 50 80 50 90 420
Incineroar Fire Dark Blaze
⅞ male, ⅛ female Field
95 115 90 80 90 60 530
Popplio Water Torrent
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
50 54 54 66 56 40 320
Brionne Water Torrent
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
60 69 69 91 81 50 420
Primarina Water Fairy Torrent
⅞ male, ⅛ female Water 1
80 74 74 126 116 60 530
Pikipek Normal Flying Keen Eye
Skill Link
½ male, ½ female Flying
35 75 30 30 30 65 265
Trumbeak Normal Flying Keen Eye
Skill Link
½ male, ½ female Flying
55 85 50 40 50 75 355
Toucannon Normal Flying Keen Eye
Skill Link
½ male, ½ female Flying
80 120 75 75 75 60 485
Yungoos Normal Stakeout
Strong Jaw
½ male, ½ female Field
48 70 30 30 30 45 253
Gumshoos Normal Stakeout
Strong Jaw
½ male, ½ female Field
88 110 60 55 60 45 418
Totem Gumshoos Normal Stakeout
Strong Jaw
½ male, ½ female Field
88 110 60 55 60 45 418
Grubbin Bug Swarm
½ male, ½ female Bug
47 62 45 55 45 46 300
Charjabug Bug Electric Battery
½ male, ½ female Bug
57 82 95 55 75 36 400
Vikavolt Bug Electric Levitate
½ male, ½ female Bug
77 70 90 145 75 43 500
Totem Vikavolt Bug Electric Levitate
½ male, ½ female Bug
77 70 90 145 75 43 500
Crabrawler Fighting Hyper Cutter
Iron Fist
½ male, ½ female Water 3
47 82 57 42 47 63 338
Crabominable Fighting Ice Hyper Cutter
Iron Fist
½ male, ½ female Water 3
97 132 77 62 67 43 478
Baile Oricorio Fire Flying Dancer
¼ male, ¾ female Flying
75 70 70 98 70 93 476
Pom-pom Oricorio Electric Flying Dancer
¼ male, ¾ female Flying
75 70 70 98 70 93 476
Pa’u Oricorio Psychic Flying Dancer
¼ male, ¾ female Flying
75 70 70 98 70 93 476
Sensu Oricorio Ghost Flying Dancer
¼ male, ¾ female Flying
75 70 70 98 70 93 476
Cutiefly Bug Fairy Honey Gather
Shield Dust
½ male, ½ female Bug
40 45 40 55 40 84 304
Ribombee Bug Fairy Honey Gather
Shield Dust
½ male, ½ female Bug
60 55 60 95 70 124 464
Totem Ribombee Bug Fairy Honey Gather
Shield Dust
½ male, ½ female Bug
60 55 60 95 70 124 464
Rockruff Rock Keen Eye
Vital Spirit
½ male, ½ female Field
45 65 40 30 40 60 280
Own Tempo Rockruff Rock Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Field
45 65 40 30 40 60 280
Midday Lycanroc Rock Keen Eye
Sand Rush
½ male, ½ female Field
75 115 65 55 65 112 487
Midnight Lycanroc Rock Keen Eye
Vital Spirit
½ male, ½ female Field
85 115 75 55 75 82 487
Dusk Lycanroc Rock Tough Claws
½ male, ½ female Field
75 117 65 55 65 110 487
Solo Wishiwashi Water Schooling
½ male, ½ female Water 2
45 20 20 25 25 40 175
School Wishiwashi Water Schooling
½ male, ½ female Water 2
45 140 130 140 135 30 620
Mareanie Poison Water Merciless
½ male, ½ female Water 1
50 53 62 43 52 45 305
Toxapex Poison Water Merciless
½ male, ½ female Water 1
50 63 152 53 142 35 495
Mudbray Ground Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Field
70 100 70 45 55 45 385
Mudsdale Ground Own Tempo
½ male, ½ female Field
100 125 100 55 85 35 500
Dewpider Water Bug Water Bubble
½ male, ½ female Water 1
38 40 52 40 72 27 269
Araquanid Water Bug Water Bubble
½ male, ½ female Water 1
68 70 92 50 132 42 454
Totem Araquanid Water Bug Water Bubble
½ male, ½ female Water 1
68 70 92 50 132 42 454
Fomantis Grass Leaf Guard
½ male, ½ female Grass
40 55 35 50 35 35 250
Lurantis Grass Leaf Guard
½ male, ½ female Grass
70 105 90 80 90 45 480
Totem Lurantis Grass Leaf Guard
½ male, ½ female Grass
70 105 90 80 90 45 480
Morelull Grass Fairy Illuminate
Effect Spore
½ male, ½ female Grass
40 35 55 65 75 15 285
Shiinotic Grass Fairy Illuminate
Effect Spore
½ male, ½ female Grass
60 45 80 90 100 30 405
Salandit Poison Fire Corrosion
⅞ male, ⅛ female Monster
48 44 40 71 40 77 320
Salazzle Poison Fire Corrosion
always female Monster
68 64 60 111 60 117 480
Totem Salazzle Poison Fire Corrosion
always female Monster
68 64 60 111 60 117 480
Stufful Normal Fighting Fluffy
½ male, ½ female Field
70 75 50 45 50 50 340
Bewear Normal Fighting Fluffy
½ male, ½ female Field
120 125 80 55 60 60 500
Bounsweet Grass Leaf Guard
always female Grass
42 30 38 30 38 32 210
Steenee Grass Leaf Guard
always female Grass
52 40 48 40 48 62 290
Tsareena Grass Leaf Guard
Queenly Majesty
always female Grass
72 120 98 50 98 72 510
Comfey Fairy Flower Veil
¼ male, ¾ female Grass
51 52 90 82 110 100 485
Oranguru Normal Psychic Inner Focus
½ male, ½ female Field
90 60 80 90 110 60 490
Passimian Fighting Receiver
½ male, ½ female Field
100 120 90 40 60 80 490
Wimpod Bug Water Wimp Out
½ male, ½ female Bug
Water 3
25 35 40 20 30 80 230
Golisopod Bug Water Emergency Exit
½ male, ½ female Bug
Water 3
75 125 140 60 90 40 530
Sandygast Ghost Ground Water Compaction
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
55 55 80 70 45 15 320
Palossand Ghost Ground Water Compaction
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
85 75 110 100 75 35 480
Pyukumuku Water Innards Out
½ male, ½ female Water 1
55 60 130 30 130 5 410
Type: Null Normal Battle Armor
genderless Undiscovered
95 95 95 95 95 59 534
Silvally Normal RKS System
genderless Undiscovered
95 95 95 95 95 95 570
Red Meteor Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 60 100 60 100 60 440
Orange Meteor Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 60 100 60 100 60 440
Yellow Meteor Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 60 100 60 100 60 440
Green Meteor Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 60 100 60 100 60 440
Blue Meteor Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 60 100 60 100 60 440
Indigo Meteor Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 60 100 60 100 60 440
Violent Meteor Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 60 100 60 100 60 440
Red Core Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 100 60 100 60 120 500
Orange Core Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 100 60 100 60 120 500
Yellow Core Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 100 60 100 60 120 500
Green Core Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 100 60 100 60 120 500
Blue Core Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 100 60 100 60 120 500
Indigo Core Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 100 60 100 60 120 500
Violet Core Minior Rock Flying Shields Down
genderless Mineral
60 100 60 100 60 120 500
Komala Normal Comatose
½ male, ½ female Field
65 115 65 75 95 65 480
Turtonator Fire Dragon Shell Armor
½ male, ½ female Monster
60 78 135 91 85 36 485
Togedemaru Electric Steel Iron Barbs
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Field
65 98 63 40 73 96 435
Totem Togedemaru Electric Steel Iron Barbs
Lightning Rod
½ male, ½ female Field
65 98 63 40 73 96 435
Disguised Mimikyu Ghost Fairy Disguise
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
55 90 80 50 105 96 476
Busted Mimikyu Ghost Fairy Disguise
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
55 90 80 50 105 96 476
Totem Disguised Mimikyu Ghost Fairy Disguise
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
55 90 80 50 105 96 476
Totem Busted Mimikyu Ghost Fairy Disguise
½ male, ½ female Amorphous
55 90 80 50 105 96 476
Bruxish Water Psychic Dazzling
Strong Jaw
½ male, ½ female Water 2
68 105 70 70 70 92 475
Drampa Normal Dragon Berserk
Sap Sipper
½ male, ½ female Monster
78 60 85 135 91 36 485
Dhelmise Ghost Grass Steelworker
genderless Mineral
70 131 100 86 90 40 517
Jangmo-o Dragon Bulletproof
½ male, ½ female Dragon
45 55 65 45 45 45 300
Hakamo-o Dragon Fighting Bulletproof
½ male, ½ female Dragon
55 75 90 65 70 65 420
Kommo-o Dragon Fighting Bulletproof
½ male, ½ female Dragon
75 110 125 100 105 85 600
Totem Kommo’o Dragon Fighting Bulletproof
½ male, ½ female Dragon
75 110 125 100 105 85 600
Tapu Koko Electric Fairy Electric Surge
genderless Undiscovered
70 115 85 95 75 130 570
Tapu Lele Psychic Fairy Psychic Surge
genderless Undiscovered
70 85 75 130 115 95 570
Tapu Bulu Grass Fairy Grassy Surge
genderless Undiscovered
70 130 115 85 95 75 570
Tapu Fini Water Fairy Misty Surge
genderless Undiscovered
70 75 115 95 130 85 570
Cosmog Psychic Unaware
genderless Undiscovered
43 29 31 29 31 37 200
Cosmoem Psychic Sturdy
genderless Undiscovered
43 29 131 29 131 37 400
Solgaleo Psychic Steel Full Metal Body
genderless Undiscovered
137 137 107 113 89 97 680
Lunala Psychic Ghost Shadow Shield
genderless Undiscovered
137 113 89 137 107 97 680
Nihilego Rock Poison Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
109 53 47 127 131 103 570
Buzzwole Bug Fighting Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
107 139 139 53 53 79 570
Pheromosa Bug Fighting Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
71 137 37 137 37 151 570
Xurkitree Electric Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
83 89 71 173 71 83 570
Celesteela Steel Flying Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
97 101 103 107 101 61 570
Kartana Grass Steel Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
59 181 131 59 31 109 570
Guzzlord Dark Dragon Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
223 101 53 97 53 43 570
Necrozma Psychic Prism Armor
genderless Undiscovered
97 107 101 127 89 79 600
Dusk Necrozma Psychic Steel Prism Armor
genderless Undiscovered
97 157 127 113 109 77 680
Dawn Necrozma Psychic Ghost Prism Armor
genderless Undiscovered
97 113 109 157 127 77 680
Ultra Necrozma Psychic Dragon Neuroforce
genderless Undiscovered
97 167 97 167 97 129 754
Magearna Steel Fairy Soul-Heart
genderless Undiscovered
80 95 115 130 115 65 600
Original Magearna Steel Fairy Soul-Heart
genderless Undiscovered
80 95 115 130 115 65 600
Marshadow Fighting Ghost Technician
genderless Undiscovered
90 125 80 90 90 125 600
Poipole Poison Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
67 73 67 73 67 73 420
Naganadel Poison Dragon Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
73 73 73 127 73 121 540
Stakataka Rock Steel Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
61 131 211 53 101 13 570
Blacephalon Fire Ghost Beast Boost
genderless Undiscovered
53 127 53 151 79 107 570
Zeraora Electric Volt Absorb
genderless Undiscovered
88 112 75 102 80 143 600

Pokémon Search

Unless otherwise specified: matching Pokémon must match ALL of the criteria, but can match ANY selections within a group (e.g., evolution stage).

Anything left blank is ignored entirely.




Type must be .




Understands single numbers (50); ranges (17-29); at-least (100+); at-most (< 100); approximations (120~10 = 110-130); and any combination of those (20, 50-60, 90~5).

Height and weight work the same way, but require units. Anything is acceptable. You can even use Pokémon names as units.

Base stats






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Pokémon must have all of these moves:

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Formatting codes

e.g.: * $id $name becomes • 133 Eevee

⅞ male, ⅛ female
Run Away/Adaptability
Run Away
1 Special Defense
0.3 m
14.3 lb
14.3 lb
6.5 kg
Evolution Pokémon